Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why did Obama sit in a racist black theology church for 20 years and never tell his mentor to be calm down?

Rev. Wright's church is a racist black liberation theology church. They hate whites, hate Americans, and hate conservatives. Why did Obama just sit there for 20 years and not tell his mentor to relax on his hatred?Why did Obama sit in a racist black theology church for 20 years and never tell his mentor to be calm down?He was there because he believes it -Why did Obama sit in a racist black theology church for 20 years and never tell his mentor to be calm down?
Because both he and his wife are both as racist as they come. They like most racist just keep it hidden hoping it never rears its ugly head out of the closet to bite them in the ***. But it's ok to talk about it in private lol. He's such a dick, as is Rev (? ) Wright. But then again I'm a racist, I hate them both. Obama just had to clean his act up in order to run for Prez. He's still a hater like the rest of us. But at lest I'm an honest racist. F%*k obama. Palin for Prez.Why did Obama sit in a racist black theology church for 20 years and never tell his mentor to be calm down?Wow, I'm sure the whites in the congregation would be quite surprised to find that Pastor Wright hates them.

And of course, you attend every Sunday, and that's how YOU know what they preach, right?

When a Christian church preaches against homosexuality, does that mean they "hate" gay people? Can the same thing be said about those who sat in Rev. Falwell's church? I can provide you plenty of quotes by Rev. Falwell where he expresses his hatred of certain groups. What about his followers???
I listened to the sermons people were upset about, and while I absolutely understand that many people find some of them angry ("hateful", even) and anti-American (I don't, I just find them typical politicized religious gibberish with some grains of truth scattered here and there), I do not get racist. Racial, yes, racist, no.

You do realize that there were white people in that congregation as well, who like me did not share your interpretation of his sermons as "racist", right?

To answer your question, Obama did this because he is a politician, plain and simple. He is not a racist, he is not remotely a radical in American politics, he is an ambitious politician who plays the game as needed.

He had a (what I believe to be very) sincere passion for community organizing in this very impoverished and troubled community, coupled with a strong political ambition and the savvy knack for bullsh*t that is necessary to succeed within politics.

At that time, attending this church was what he needed to do to gain trust and credibility within the community he was trying to work with and help.

If any of you are sincerely interested in his actual thoughts and feelings on black separatism, black nationalism and his own racial background, he wrote at length about these issuess in his memoir, "Dreams of My Father".

A book written and published well before he had any thoughts on running for president. (As evidenced by, amongst other things, his very candid stories and discussions around his drug use.)

By the way, have you ever had the pleasure of attending a fundamentalist or Evangelicalist church in this country? I have on a few occasions, and I heard true hatred, racism and severe xenophobia. If we scrutinized every congregation our last few presidents have belonged to, I would be surprised if we didn't find some of this toxic hate speech.

You know what you might also want to ask, since you are worried about our politicians being influenced by racist spiritul advisors?

Why is the pastor Billy Graham, of whom we have now declassified tape recordings making remarks to Richard Nixon about the Jews controlling the American media (with a "stranglehold"), STILL the spiritual advisor of every American president?Why did Obama sit in a racist black theology church for 20 years and never tell his mentor to be calm down?Worse, why did Obama expose his daughters to that hatred?

Said a lot about Obama during the campaign, the actions of his Attorney General reveal much about Obama today.Why did Obama sit in a racist black theology church for 20 years and never tell his mentor to be calm down?
Catholic priest, Michael Pfleger gave regular sermons at Trinity church. I seen some of them in person.

Keep in mind, this was way before people started calling him a racist. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Well I gues Ill use this guys answer. by Western European Mutt -

There is no such thing as a truth in a poltical debate. Truths are only available in math and scienceWhy did Obama sit in a racist black theology church for 20 years and never tell his mentor to be calm down?
maybe he wasn't paying attention to the sermons like everyone else who goes to church
Yes he sat there for 20 yrs and did not hear anything
Because the Southern Baptist Church wouldn't offer him a seat.

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