Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is something that Obama and Bush have opposite views on?

For example even though this probably isn't true like Obama could be against abortions and Bush could be for it or like Obama wants to lower taxes or whatever and Bush wants to keep it the way it is. Give me a real thing that they have opposite views on? Thanks. Links would be helpful too.What is something that Obama and Bush have opposite views on?Torture. The legitimacy of the Constitution (to Bush it is glorified toilet paper). The value of reading. The direction books should be held (sorry, cheap shot). Torture.What is something that Obama and Bush have opposite views on?
Obama supports abortion to the point that 99.99 percent of people consider it murder. Google "Obama born alive." Bush is 100 percent opposite.

I have to question the usefulness of comparing Bush to Obama though. Despite what Obama claimed, he was never running against Bush. McCain got spanked much more than Bush would have because Bush is willing to play ball. McCain kept running around thinking his job was to referee his own players. Let the Democrats call "foul." They are not going to voluntarily restrain their own troops when they get out of line.What is something that Obama and Bush have opposite views on?Bush lowered the margianl tax rate for all taxpayers. He removed the death tax and lowered the capital gains taxes.

Obama wants to raise taxes on the upper income (though he changes what makes up the upper income) and reinstitute the death tax as well as raising captial gains taxes.
Obama is all for stem cell research, because of the numerous findings it could have on cures for diseases

Bush on the other hand was a road block to such researchWhat is something that Obama and Bush have opposite views on?Bush likes Mr.Belvidere and Obama likes Mr.Cooper

Bush likes red wine and Obama likes red kool aid

Bush likes hair gel and Obama likes soul glowWhat is something that Obama and Bush have opposite views on?
Obama thinks America should be a nation based upon morality and ethics that upholds human dignity.

Bush and Company had the opposite view and acted accordingly.
When human babies deserve human rights.What is something that Obama and Bush have opposite views on?
Every single issue.
Obama supports abortion and Bush does not.
Reality. Bush has been living in never-neverland.
in a word, America!
how to deal with terrorism
They don't look alike and that is the biggest change he has brought.

There ARe other good things too!

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