Sunday, February 12, 2012

Can the Obama administration do anything to appease the Conservatives at this point or are they just screwed?

Is there realistically anything that Obama can do to gain the trust or confidence of the Conservatives in this country or is this country basically doomed to chronic divisions? Is there actually anything that can be done at this point or will the Right just hate and mistrust the administration until 2012 comes a-rolling in?

Does the Left have any solutions with how to work together with the Right?Can the Obama administration do anything to appease the Conservatives at this point or are they just screwed?Yes.

Obama can produce his birth certificate for the 1,000th time and then point out the state of Hawaii on a MAP...Can the Obama administration do anything to appease the Conservatives at this point or are they just screwed?
Friend, first lets get this point straight that obama's administration honestly does not care about Conservatives. It is the Conservatives that have made a fool out of themselves by thinking that states is really concerned what the Conservatives do. Their purpose is a lot higher then worrying about whether to gain the confidence of conservatives. It is our responsibility to get our act straight and stop following what states say. We have done something that you will be proud go check on news. I wish not to go deep into this topic. Check the news and you shall find that Canada made there first independent decision which is good.Can the Obama administration do anything to appease the Conservatives at this point or are they just screwed?Obama has so far done a fine job of alienating the right. He has excelled at it. The sheeple who mindlessly follow him have done well too. All in all, he and his loon followers have done a great job of dividing the country. It isn't completely bad because the rational people are seeing what a fraud Obama is and how his policies are all failures. Many who didn't vote will be coming out of the woodwork and many who voted for Obama will be voting against him and other liberals. It should be an interesting election night both this year and in 2012.
if Barack Obama announced this afternoon that government scientists have discovered a sure-fire cure for cancer, by this evening every conservative inside the beltway would be on fox so-called "news" to criticize him for "destroying capitalism" by forcing the closure of hundreds of for-profit cancer treatment centers across america.

Obama was screwed the moment he announced his candidacy for president. there is nothing he can do or say to improve the situation. this FACT was proven by one republican senator who said, and i quote: "even if he gave me EVERYTHING i wanted in this bill, i STILL wouldn't vote for it!"

how is it possible to reason with such intractability? if they saw him walking on water, they'd ridicule him for not being able to swim.Can the Obama administration do anything to appease the Conservatives at this point or are they just screwed?he served his own masters right at the very get-go, and that was neither the nation nor its people.

If his administration damaged their own credibility- it is strictly self inflicted

What good is appeasing the conservatives going to do?

Come on- He and his cadre of villains has to appease their masters- the people.Can the Obama administration do anything to appease the Conservatives at this point or are they just screwed?
O is so ideologically left wing, WAAAAYYY out there. Its a mystery to me how he is going to find conservatives who hover in the middle and over on the right.

How could it happen? They don't see the world the same. Different values. Different principles. Different policies. They aren't reconcilable.

This conflict is resolved at elections in time.
if you can find one conservative that wants to work with Obama... let me know...

I asked the question "what do conservatives want to work with Obama on?"

not one answer of anything... they all said basically "we don't want to work with a communist"

that's the mentality...

and one person can't make a whole team...Can the Obama administration do anything to appease the Conservatives at this point or are they just screwed?
Obama has lied a lot, Federaly funded abortiions in the health care, he said there wouldnt be, then he signed an exectutive order to ensure his democrats he wouldnt allow it. after he got his votes for his socialist policy that went away, Now the federal government will suuport abortions with tax payer money, so no HE is A LIER no way around that one. Nice how liberals want the death penalty gone, and gitmo closed cus its just mean boo hoo, but yet killing babies thats okay, Democrats are a bunch of selfish loons I cant wait for Obumma to get his self voted out he is a SAD disgrace to this country
it is funny to some degree, and because when a con gets in office dems will do the same. and it is all about ideology. it is the "i am right and you are wrong" mentality of our politicians. but we only have ourselves, the voter to blame, because we put them in office. i would guess more often than not, wew are not voting for the good ideas but against the percieved bad ideas of the other party. really sad. i vote both dem and rep. no party owns me like most people are owned, refer to 90% of blacks voting dem, no matter what.
On economy: Obama hates free markets.

On diplomacy: Obama hates force.

On diversity: Obama believes that politically favored causes must be forced on minorities (translation: on diversity Obama LOVES force).

This guy personifies EVERYTHING that Conservatives, especially libertarians, fight against.
He doesn't try

he tries to pick off a few votes to pass HIS agenda.

he has no interest in working with the other side.

Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare

All Bi-partisan bills

Obamacare, party line and against the will of the American people.
"It's the economy stupid." If the democrats and Obama want to make the Republicans happy, turn the economy around and create some real jobs, and growth, not made up ones The economy has a way of appeasing everyone.
Not likely, now they're blasting him for ramping up the Afghanistan war.
The ruling elite (Jewish media and political conglomerate) of the US promote left vs right propaganda divide in America. Once the public are fighting with each other over petty racial issues the general public really easy to control.
Obama could resign for the sake of getting along.
No, it won't happen. He could literally save the world and they would still spit on him. I think he will go down like FDR, GOPers hated FDR too, but history is treating him much better.
Obama could cure cancer and the Cons would fight him every step of the way.
In 2012 Obama will be gone, that will appease me.
You're assuming he has some desire to do so? Aside from campaign rhetoric, what do you have to base that on?
"Turn out the lights, the party is over"
Would you like to see some jobs in this country? CUT TAXES!!
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