Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How long will it be before one of Obama's corrupt Chicago associations brings him down?

Just about every three to four weeks we have another news story in which one of Obama's corrupt Chicago friends is exposed. A new one at that.

You cannot live in the pig pen and not get dirty!

How long before he is linked directly to wrong doing and how long before he resigns or is impeached.

Tell me what you think.How long will it be before one of Obama's corrupt Chicago associations brings him down?You can expect that any day now someone will make a deal with the federal prosecutor, and in doing so will implicate Barrack Obama. With each person who gets arrested and charged, the chance of being implicated or turned over on increases 100%.

This scandal may lead to charges against Obama either before or shortly after the inauguration on January 20, 2009. Either way, it will taint Obama, and a lot of the Democratic Party will distance themselves from Obama and the scandal.

Remember with Bill %26amp; Hillary Clinton, it took almost 8-10 years in some cases for their misdeeds to catch up with them. Obama may think that he is teflon, because of being elected President, but is far from the truth.

The corruption in Chicago goes back to the days of Al Capone and Speakeasies, and has been a part of Chicago politics ever since, regardless of what the parties proclaim.

Obama's connections to the Chicago political circuit, will turn out to be a hinderance to anything that he tries to accomplish because he will go into the Bunker mode, afaird that anything he says, will be used in legal proceedings.How long will it be before one of Obama's corrupt Chicago associations brings him down?
Hopefully before January 20.How long will it be before one of Obama's corrupt Chicago associations brings him down?hopefully soon, for the sake of america.
Check back in the year 2098

In the mean time where is the goats rest room?How long will it be before one of Obama's corrupt Chicago associations brings him down?Unless you live in Chicago, back off cuz you don't know what is going on in Chicago. Just because you saw it on the news does not make it true or correct.How long will it be before one of Obama's corrupt Chicago associations brings him down?
You're engaging in wishful thinking. Have you ever hear of Tom Pendergast? He started Harry Truman's political career. Tom makes the Illinois gov look like a choir boy yet that never tainted Harry.

You shouldn't speak in absolutes, especially when history doesn't support you.
Unfortunately not soon enough i'm afraid..How long will it be before one of Obama's corrupt Chicago associations brings him down?
Ah, yes, guilt by association, the great new hope of the right wingnuts, after they realize that the "born in Kenya" won't work, and have already realized the "socialist Marxist Muslim terrorist" didn't work. Problem is, right wingnuts, this won't work either.
He will continue to throw them under the bus, and next election cycle, he will have thrown so many under the bus that he won't be able to carry Illinois
get a life, all you McCain supporter are all looking for a way to undo what the american public has voted in...A Black president ,so don't get your hopes high, we study your kind and know all your dirty tricks.

Ain't gonna happen, no matter how much you wish it would. You and your friends are delusional.
I agree with you on that you can't live in a pigpen without getting dirty, but not sure if he will ever get any crap stuck on him, he is good on getting by with it so I guess only time will tell.
sooner the better, than we can get on the next corrupt slime ball :)
I'm in Chicago as I type this, as I am every week day.

Everyone knows that its 'pay-to-play' here, and the biggest difference between Rod Blago and Daley is Blago isn't as good at graft as Daley is.

Obama is a bit better at it than Daley, with SIEU front running for him, and Raum and Axel-grease playing in the sand box.

Chicago is crooked. Illinois is crooked. As long as the bus runs and the snow gets taken off the streets, no Chicagoan cares.
Those who don't like Obama have been waiting for such a thing for a long, long time - and nothing has come to light yet. He wasn't even mentioned in Rezko's trial; and clearly in that nutball Blagojevich's case he wouldn't play ball so the Gov got po'd, called him everything but a purple porcupine, and in retaliation decided to sell his seat. Illinois has major problems with corruption. I live near Chicago and that knowledge has been second hand to me most of my life.

I think that it's hard for people to suspend the cynicism most of us feel toward politicians in general. It's easier to believe they are dirty than it is to believe that they discharge their duties honorably. This leaves us completely unbelieving then when we see what we're seeing now: what appears to be a hands clean politician surrounded by dirty ones. I really think that, given the nasty tones and incessant digging of both the primary and the general campaigns, that it's likely any really bad news about Obama would have surfaced already. After all, there is nothing that dirty politicians love more than dishing the dirt to reporters for money as long as they keep their names out of it. I have a hard time believing that there's enough "honor among thieves" for one of them not to have given up Obama already if there's something we should all know. For now, I'm sticking with my gut feeling that Obama was either smart enough to know when to back out the door, or smart enough not to have played ball with any of these criminals. I guess I'll stick with the old innocent until proven guilty track as far as Obama goes. If I'm wrong, I'll be very disappointed, but I hope I'm not. We sure could use an honest, forthright, and morally decent President for a change.
Dude, have you seen the actions of our current president WHILE IN OFFICE? if he survived, Obama has nothing to worry about
the media's DRAMA never stop! don't believe everything you hear. =)
Considering that the most corrupt administration in American history is about to walk away unscathed after eight years of criminality, I don't see it happening. It wouldn't pass because Democrats hold big majorities, and the Republicans would lower their standing with the American people even further by attempting such a move, which would seem the height of hypocrisy after supporting a president who did stuff like get the CIA to forge documents linking Iraq with 9/11 and WMDs. If that's not impeachable, I don't think some questionable connections to corrupt officials are going to cut it. Bush has plenty of shady connections as well. Hell, he picked one as his VP.
hopefully very soon. i'm getting weary of all the misspeaks and mistakes.
i hope soon, this donkey *** will sink the american dream
In my mind he will do enough damage the first year to-hopefully get impeached. Now about this preacher that NEVER said anything against the USA until Obama was running...what a load of sh*T! Funny thing is....I am a democrat....when did our choices drop to zero?

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