Saturday, February 18, 2012

What if anything is the Obama administration doing to help in the California fire fighting effort?

And, why has Obama not visited this disaster area? Is this Obama's Katrina? On vacation and fiddling while Rome (California) burns?What if anything is the Obama administration doing to help in the California fire fighting effort?NO its Ramadan so he isn't lifting a fingerWhat if anything is the Obama administration doing to help in the California fire fighting effort?
The Lord Protector, The Glorious and Infallible Barrack Obama has no need to visit the California disaster area as his power enables him to be all places at once. Or at least he thinks so.

Looks like Bush wasn't the only one who took vacations while disasters were taking place. I wonder if Kanye West will get on t.v again and say, "Obama doesn't care about black people."

I doubt you will hear much about this as the liberal media which basically run the televised news (with the exception of FOX news) would report on anything that is negative about their big hero.What if anything is the Obama administration doing to help in the California fire fighting effort?The Federal Emergency Management Agency approved six grants to help California fight fires. The state will be reimbursed for 75 percent of the costs to contain and put out those fires, said Kelly Huston, assistant secretary of the California Emergency Management Agency.

The grants only apply to extraordinary wildfires that force local and state governments to incur large costs "because of the magnitude of the fire and the threat to life and property," Huston said.

President Barack Obama has said he would do what he could to help state and local governments.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the White House is receiving regular updates on the wildfires and will monitor the situation.

Gibbs said Obama and first lady Michelle Obama send their condolences to the families of two Los Angeles County firefighters who died battling the Station fire over the weekend.
Well, he could start an investigation to figure out how come the state is belly up and there are still politicians claiming taxes should be lowed for their wealthy friends. Doing so, Obamea might be able to get rid of those retards, paving the way for more competent state leadership that does plan ahead and has proper funding for bushfire prevention.

I don't think a yearly visit to Rome is such a good idea.What if anything is the Obama administration doing to help in the California fire fighting effort?To the person who said that there are no federal firefighters, tell that to my friend Chris who just got a job with federal government fighting fires. From what I understand, Awnald the Liberal has to beg the federal government for money and for FEMA and it's half a million people on payroll to come over to the state and do nothing. I could be wrong but that is what I was told as I was wondering the same thing.

Personally, I feel that they should let the state burn--and I live here. The state has no laws in regards to cleaning up after you log and de-brushing (but you have to plant two trees for every single one that you cut). They need to take a look at these laws that they have because this happens every single year and will continue to until they see what the problems are.

California naturally wants to burn. Let it burn and get it over with. Yeah, some may lose their homes. Just cash out on your home insurance and move to another area. The state is going bankrupt and unemployment is growing with no end in sight anyways!What if anything is the Obama administration doing to help in the California fire fighting effort?
I thought a self-proclaimed "lawyer" would know stuff like this but I guess that just goes to show the extent of your lies.

(Their is no such thing as a "Federal Firefighting Squad"...are you indirectly proposing that FEMA line up it's employees to piss on the fire? You should also be VERY well aware of the fact that FEMA only goes if its asked to go...the "Governator" has not asked for Federal assistance.)
I can see the similarities.

But in this case I think he is watching to see if there are thousands of people starving or stranded at this point and utterly ignored by their governor (which they aren't). I think he's ready to send in the military if need be.What if anything is the Obama administration doing to help in the California fire fighting effort?
Just like people say Bush caused all those deaths from Katrina...some how even though these people had warnings and they were to dumb to leave...I think we should rightfully blame Obama for any damage and/or deaths that may occur. I only like to be fair and that is fair.
you want the government to help with fires, yet complain about welfare takers. i'm a liberal that wants small government and have never asked for help. those rich cal. landowners should keep their brush cleared, or sell the land to someone who would take care of it properly. i keep my land looking real nice
President G W Bush was almost done wrapping up the longest vacation in presidential history.

STILL unread was the PDB entitled "bin Laden determined to strike in the US".

Bush enjoyed a good round of golf on Sept. 2, 2001.
There is no "federal fire fighting" unit. Firefighting units are STATE based (what's left of them after the Bush term cut all their funding). So, there's not much he CAN do yet. FEMA and the Red Cross are there. What more do you want?
"Is this Obama's Katrina? "

California burns every other year. It's quite predictable.
controlled burns over the past 20 years would have chomped up natures debris that has served as tinder,,feeding this holocaust,ask and reframe your misdirected question to the directees of record,,,
FEMA and the Red Cross.

The firefighting is currently funded by state emergency funds. Arnold has not requested any federal funds.
Has Obama even visited the Katrina victims ? I'm sure we would have heard about it. Didn't he just embark on another vacation to Camp David ?
Cal Fire is very qualified to handle fires. Obama doesn't need to make pointless PR stunts like Bush.
Where is FEMA. OBAMA is a Failure
Good point, as the words of Kayne West,," Obama hates white people" ,,,,,,,
He has bigger fires to put out, unlike Bush he has kept this country safe 100% of the time.
a hell of a lot more than bush would do if he were still president. thank god and greyhound he is gone.
Leave it to Arny, he is the governor.
I wouldn't visit a site that was burning either. Patience.

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