by the way, please watch this video, even if you don't support this. Please....…Obama?????obama yes we can an we will in 08Obama?????
Isnt obama a mulim like hussein and bin ladin
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Obama?????for more information on the concerns of Obama, go to
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He's suggesting a change.
What does he want to change in the most succesful country in the world?
Sed G:
Yes, the most succesful country in the world.
The USA has 300 million people, and hundreds of thousands more entering every year, do you think is that easy to administrate?
The USA is not Finland, Sweden, Norway or Denmark, all of these are monocultural societies and have just 5 million people each.Obama?????He has admitted to doing coke. Thanks for the honesty Obama but that says a lot about who you really are. Ron Paul all the way.Obama?????
yes yes yes we can!!
Bumper corp
the most succesful country in the you have tv in your house ??
bumper corp: ok i agree with that...but our economy is very bad
Americans owed a record $943.5 billion in credit card debt at the end of December
Including loans other than mortgages and home equity lines of credit, Americans are shouldering a record…
The fate of our country is too important to be delegated to a song. This is the real world with real problems, not a music video.Obama?????
Barack Obama discussed his attendance at a Muslim school in Jakarta in his autobiography, “Dreams from My Father”, published in 1995. Page 142 says:
" In Indonesia, I’d spent 2 years at a Muslim school, 2 years at a Catholic school. In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Koranic studies. In the Catholic school, when it came time to pray, I’d pretend to close my eyes, then peek around the room. Nothing happened. No angels descended."
What teenager hasn't tried drugs or thought about it? That says nothing about your character. How many moons ago was that? I'm sorry, but if anyone is on drugs its this p.o.s we have in office now....
I really like Obama. He's so inspirational, he gives me hope about this country....being a young person, he has me excited to vote....and that video is beautiful.
I like him and would vote for him.But his stand on abortion I will not So Iam with the GOP
I have a lot of opinions about him but trust me, you don't wanna hear it....
Yes, Danielle, the video is very nice. If you get excited about somebody repeating the Fraze We can change, over and over, then you lead a very boring life. I think Mr. Obama has a shot at being our next president, but before I vote for any of them, regardless of party, they have to give me something substantial to tell me what they really believe, the only one who has done that so far is Ron Paul, and I don't agree with enough of what he says or believe he could make a difference because he has no support from his party, so I won't waste my vote. I'm very glad to see all of you young people becoming involved in politics, it reminds me of another time when young people were involved (Read during JFK and RFK times). Young people can make a big difference and they should, but please, get some substance from the candidate that you support, regardless of who it is. Good luck.
all those celebrities in this video. Because of this he might get a huge bump of votes.
YES WE CAN!! for a change!
Im voting for him to achieve that change.
True Change will not happen with one persons hard work or political history. It will take hope and belief in the truth that united as a nation and governing body, change can happen. I have seen too many times ambitious people take government offices trying to force a change only to have their grand ideas smashed on the floor of the senate. Unity is the answer. Whether Obama can be the catalyst to inspire a nation I do not know. But what he lacks in experience he makes up for in vision and character. That in itself is the Start of the change that I would like to see.
Thanks for the youtube link. Wonderful.
I think we can all agree that the men will never be president of united states because America is not ready for a black President.They were not ready with an Italian, not ready with a Creek like Duckakis, not ready with a Syrian born.
But please respect the men for his true quality.Acknowledge he is far more prepare and better than any of his actual opponent.I think United states would had been far better if Obama was president instead of Bush.
Don't you get the name?
The most successfully country in the world? you must not be American! The economy isn't growing. Science isn't moving forward. International relations are messed up. we need a radical change we need Obama!
What do I "thing" about him?
I will vote for him maybe, in 4 years, when he DOES make a change .... in the way he votes in congress.
Actions speak louder than words, and I am not impressed with his actions in congress so far.
Hillary is the real thing and has my vote.
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