Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is BH Obama just an old fashioned Antisemitic racists, or is he concerned about the Architecture of Jerusalem?

On the surface it seems like Obama is trying to Micromanage the Building and Safety Department in Jerusalem. But it could be just disdain for all things Jewish. Ya Know 1.8 Billion Muslims might agree.Is BH Obama just an old fashioned Antisemitic racists, or is he concerned about the Architecture of Jerusalem?That's Wright. He is.Is BH Obama just an old fashioned Antisemitic racists, or is he concerned about the Architecture of Jerusalem?
All American president have to pretend that Israel cooperates with the U.S. in its foreign policy. Even Bush told the Israeli PM to stop his settlements in the West Bank. Israel had a 9-month settlement freeze but they are going ahead in the West Bank on Palestinian lands and the U.S. wont really stop them. The settlements are one obstacle to the peace accord that America and the Quartet is trying to negotiate.

What is anti-Semetic about U.S. being afraid of Israel at the expense of losing Muslim expectations that Obama would be even-handed in his dealings with the Muslim and Arabs.Is BH Obama just an old fashioned Antisemitic racists, or is he concerned about the Architecture of Jerusalem?The former.

Barack Obama’s comments about, “his animosity towards his mother’s white race,” are overshadowed by his close association with anti-White racist Louis Farrakhan, with anti-white pastor Jeremiah Wright, with self-described communist and anti-White racist Van Jones and with anti-White racist Louis Gates. –Not to mention his anti-white Supreme Court nominee and the trillion-dollar social programs that benefit minorities disproportionately.

The war on White folk has begun on a large scale with poverty %26amp; tyranny as the result. Barack Obama continues to loot America with the same tyranny we fled from to create America in the first place.

We had created the most prosperous, peaceful, philanthropic and liberty-spreading society the world has ever known yet Barack Obama continues to burden the majority with the very socialist-Marxist doctrine we should be at war against.

White folk in the US could have sided with Germany in WWII. –Yet America decided not only to include minorities into our society, but to give them temporary special privilege; within twenty years of the conclusion of the war we did just that by passing the “civil rights” %26amp; “voting rights” acts. –But equality was not the goal of minorities including Barack Obama, domination and oppression of White folks is. Every social program Barack Obama endorses over-represents minorities as beneficiaries while the taxes raised to pay for them are disproportionately and unfairly paid for by White folks. –“Obama’s equality” never makes it to the realm of taxation, because equality is not the goal. When can White folk get a fair shake?

The fact is the source of America’s greatness is the liberty-based free-market society created by those rich, White, men we call our Founding Fathers. –Whose nation became such a success that all others flooded her, diluted her and now mere shadows of her former beauty remain hidden away in pockets of faded glory; waiting for a time once again when common-sense triumphs over political-correctness.

American Indians’ animosity toward White folk started upon our first boat landing; when the entire first colony was massacred by the Indians. (Who had not yet invented the wheel.) Subsequent history proves that American Indians are not “native” either, as DNA testing proves conclusively that they descent from the Island of Formosa. (Taiwan) Countless archaeological sites of former American Indian sites now prove cannibalism and child-sacrifice was indeed widespread throughout the Americas. The oldest known bones ever found in North America, were that of Kennewick Man, found along the banks of the Columbia River, the skull was that of a Caucasian, not the Mongoloid skull of Indian descendants from Taiwan.

Black animosity toward White folk is evident in the disproportional, Black-on-White, violent crime rate. White animosity toward Blacks started in Africa upon recognition of their brutal violence, cannibalism and willingness to barter their family members and fellow tribesmen. When Whites ran the farms of Zimbabwe, that country was a food exporter. When the Black activist, Mugabe butchered and/or deported the 7000+ White farmers upon coming to power, the population began to starve and now begs for food aid. –From guess who? (White folk)

Blacks in America are the wealthiest Africans in the history of the world, yet even as a Black man sits in the White House, atop the RNC %26amp; NASA, Blacks still complain about racism and demand “special privilege.” -Once the “civil rights” game was played-out, the pendulum kept on swinging. Now in Mississippi’s Black dominated areas, the White vote has been found to be systematically suppressed by the Black majority. Blacks in America care more about slavery 200 years ago in America than the slavery today in Africa, because of their animosity toward Whites; not because of their concern for fellow Blacks.

Hispanic animosity toward White folk is evident with the large La Raza (The Race) membership and their willingness to march waiving the Mexican flag in the United States. The abhorrent violence in Mexico and the complete willingness of the population there to not only accept it, but to embrace it and to flaunt it offends the sensibilities of Americans and makes White folks in America question how they plan on creating a peaceful society here? -After all, the areas in the US with high Hispanic/Latino populations are infested with gang activity and diseases long cured in America like leprosy.

The backlash against minority oppression and special privilege is starting to really resonate with the majority. As average Americans witness Obama and the communist (Democrats) loot the national treasury and create social programs for minorities at the expense of the majority who now realize they are little more than “rich white land-owners” to the minority who hope to tax their children of their national inheritance.

If you are tired of political-cor
Or the entire planet, which has laid sanctions on Israel dozens of times, only to be thwarted by the US. Don't over analyze this. Our support of Israel is stupid and counterproductive, their treatment of the Palestinians is evil, and it has nothing to do with race or religion.

Religious states are evil and stupid, whether they are muslim or jewish, christian or buddhist.Is BH Obama just an old fashioned Antisemitic racists, or is he concerned about the Architecture of Jerusalem?I think everyone is anti-semitic, except the Jews themselves.

OR, perhaps, he's trying to cut budgetary expenditures for Israeli military excursions by attempting to prevent hot issues from fomenting.Is BH Obama just an old fashioned Antisemitic racists, or is he concerned about the Architecture of Jerusalem?
I like Israel. However if Israel does wrong things and being corrected by Obama administration it does not mean that President Obama is all of a sudden anti-semitic, Neocon. Eat poop.
Obama is a Racist.

Michelle Obama is a Rabid Racist.Is BH Obama just an old fashioned Antisemitic racists, or is he concerned about the Architecture of Jerusalem?
lets end this once and for all: you can dislike Israel, and not be an anti-semite. thank you, and good night.
Both Jerusalem and the USA are his enemies. He will do harm to both. Write that in your journal and later you will remember I knew.
He cares about one thing and one thing only and that is himself and his stupid agenda.
A link would be helpful.
Dude, I have no idea what you're talking about. Please post a link to a story about this.

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