Could it be that his 5 to 6 point lead in polls in some swing states is really a figment of popularity that wanes or is going with the excitement or flow of the moment but not serious support?How does Obama do in polls versus at the voting booth; by history in the primaries against Clinton?I think Obama will win by a lot more then the polls are currently showing. They can't poll us younger voters who are more for Obama since most of us only use cell phones. Therefore the pollsters are missing a large portion of the population in their tallies.How does Obama do in polls versus at the voting booth; by history in the primaries against Clinton?When the polls call houses, kids pick up the phone and mistake Obama for Yomama. How does Obama do in polls versus at the voting booth; by history in the primaries against Clinton?Most of the polls are biased. Most people that work for a living do not have 15 minutes to sit on a phone answering questions. If you are living off of welfare waiting for your check to show up, you might have time to answer these questions. And if you support Obama, you will take the time to answer them just to make it look like he is ahead.
In general, people do not like change. We get into a groove and want to stay there. When Obama says change, it scares people. People don't want to change. I'm suprised his advisors have not noticed this.
McCain is going to win big. He derserves it. He has earned it. Some writer that can make tears come to your eyes can't change that.
Obama is a liar and I believe everyone knows it deep down. We have learned to trust that feeling. It is usually not wrong.
How does Obama do in polls versus at the voting booth; by history in the primaries against Clinton?
In the voting booth people will vote with their heart. There won't be any peer pressure so naturally they'll vote for McCain
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