Sunday, February 12, 2012

How is Obama an elitist when he came from the working class?

He had practically no father, his mother was not rich. He came from the working class to hold the highest political office possible, despite the economic and racial barriers.

So how is Obama an elitist and why can't republicans respect that working class success story?How is Obama an elitist when he came from the working class?He went to private schools his entire life and was raised by a bank VP.How is Obama an elitist when he came from the working class?
What jobs did he have? Did he ever work on an assembly line? He's a tree hugging lawyer of a democrat, not a blue collar democrat. Even if they were living on the beach in Hawaii, his family was rich compared to what children in Detroit have to endure. You can't be working class if you've never really worked a day in your life.How is Obama an elitist when he came from the working class?he did not he went to an elite school in Hawaii that all the rich kids went to, the only possible real work he has done where he earned money was write a book for millions and sell weed while he was in College
Affirmative action and foreign money go a long way. btw, He was raised by Communists.How is Obama an elitist when he came from the working class?Conservatives willfully ignore all facts and reality.How is Obama an elitist when he came from the working class?
Yeah right. He came from Kenya. Perhaps born of a jackal with the mark of the devil.
If you can prove he's made a living without using the government (ever), I'll say he's not an elitist.How is Obama an elitist when he came from the working class?
Where exactly did Obama work?
He's not an elitist.
What real JOB has Obama held?

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