Sunday, February 12, 2012

How has Obama bungled the Fruit of KaBoom incident?

I heard Michael Steele say that Obama has bungled the Detroit affair.

Please tell me specifically how he personally bungled it. I want to see how warped your mind is.How has Obama bungled the Fruit of KaBoom incident?by appointing an unqualified person to be in charge of Homeland Security

WHat was her qualifications? " I can see mexico from my house"?

If she does not resign Obama should be ashamed of himselfHow has Obama bungled the Fruit of KaBoom incident?
Michael Steele is bungling his own affairs.How has Obama bungled the Fruit of KaBoom incident?In Bush鈥檚 first year as president 2,966 civilians in the U.S. were killed by terrorist. In Obama鈥檚 first year as president zero civilians in the U.S. were killed by terrorist.

Obama must be doing something right.How has Obama bungled the Fruit of KaBoom incident?
Obama followed the Constitution something the Republicans are againstHow has Obama bungled the Fruit of KaBoom incident?He bungled the Fort Hood incident by doing that stupid speech right after he know american service persons were killed. Napalitano is the bungler. She is done. Who is defending her?How has Obama bungled the Fruit of KaBoom incident?
Sara Palin noted that you will never get info out of him now, and what he did was not a lone crime spree, but yet the Obama day care center at 1600 Penn Ave are treating his crime like that.
I feel that, if Dick Cheney had not been unelectable, and if he was now President, he would have personally done the dicky-check on that guy.

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