Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do Obama supporters feel about his new pro-war stance?

I mean I guess he was never truly running as an anti-war candidate, but the media sure marketed him that way. Now Obama wants to invade Pakistan and expand the war in Afghanistan.How do Obama supporters feel about his new pro-war stance?There is no significant differences between Democrats and Republicans. They are the two sides of the same coin. Together, they have raised the combined debt of USA to 48 Trillion Dollars.

They both have equal role in the execution of 9/11 plan. Bush bombed Afghanistan from Oct,01. How many months of running the Ordnance Factories is required to be able to produce the required number of bombs and then bomb a country thousands of miles away ? Obviously, the planning went into Clinton's time. Both are equally guilty in the 9/11 massacre of innocents.How do Obama supporters feel about his new pro-war stance?
He does not have a pro war stance. He supports a time-table of withdrawal from Iraq (which the Iraqi government supports as well). The situation you are talking about refers to the fact that Afghanistan is deteriorating and it needs more troops. I don't see that as pro war, that is a commitment to preventing terrorism from arising in that region once again. As for the Pakistan statement, yes he did say he would bomb Taliban and Al Qaeda camps in the western region of that country. However this is not a departure from the current policy that Bush has been using in conjuction with the Pakistani government.How do Obama supporters feel about his new pro-war stance?Sorry what makes you think he is anti war?

He has always said we need more boots on the ground in Afghanistan --- He is right.

He said 16 months and get out of Iraq--He is right--the Iraqi gov't is calling for the same thing.

He said talk to Iran---He was right--isn't that what Bush is doing?

Obama said let's get Bin Laden in Pakistan and He is Right--Al Qaeda is terrorizing the world from Pakistan.
Ticked off!

To be fair he has never said he was anti-war. He was against the Iraq war which was plain stupid. He is not.

I guess we may have assumed that in general he was anti-war or more liberal than his actual record is.

His speech to Israel was more disturbing than his stance on Pakistan. Talk about a people that need some help to get back to the fledgling Democracy they were until these rat-bag neo-cons helped Musharif take power!

Pakistan will not give up its fight to return to Democracy. They are too well educated to act like good little serfs!

Also, the Pakistani military needs to be abruptly weened from the 10+ Billion TAX-DOLLARS (!!!) we have given them in less than 5 years! Pakistan's top-level military were involved in nuclear proliferation (with Korea %26amp; god knows who else) and need to be dragged to some jail.

Obama may be seem to be a bit of a prig because he is polite...but that is just good up-bringing...he obviously is not a push-over.

Still, personally, I'm ticked!How do Obama supporters feel about his new pro-war stance?I am not an Obama supporter but I pray that the Obama supporters are paying close attention and applying critical thinking to what Obama is now saying.

I hope they take the time to lean about sr. foreign policy adviser Brzezinski. They must understand that Brzezinski's geopolitical ideology will be Obama's geopolitical ideology and that includes the free trade agenda as well as the war agenda.How do Obama supporters feel about his new pro-war stance?
Obama supporters are a huge group of "anti-reality" thinkers who deny reality in favor of fantasy and people who tell them whatever they want to hear. They don't want to hear that Obama wants to DISARM this country of nuclear weapons and then start a war with Pakistan (a country with nukes). Obama is an IDIOT!! Talk about taking a knife to a gunfight!!

McCain '08!! Just say no to Obamanation!!
He is the stealth liberal candidate. He knows he can't win on the war issue running as a surrendercrat, so he is pretending to be a moderate and concerned about America's security. But, his voting record belies his noble rhetoric. Save America!

Vote McCain in 2008.How do Obama supporters feel about his new pro-war stance?
He has had that view for over a year. Its just that people are finally doing more than blindly listening to his words. They are looking at his votes.

His voting record ensures continued war, as he votes to fund hundreds of billions ins weaponry which ultimately kills civilians in a country we should not even have gone to war with. You cannot get more pro war than that.
I've known that for quite a long time, he's had said that he wants to finish the fight against those who attacked us on 9/11 on multiple occasions.

I'm not anti-war, I'm anti-unnecessary war. I still think going into Afghanistan after 9/11 was a good idea.
Excuse me, Mr. Dumbass. Obama always said he wanted to go to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Those countries are actually the dangerous ones. Pakistan has actually made threats. In Afghanistan, the Taliban has almost taken over the southern region again.
he wants to expand the war in Afghanistan because theres where we should have been in the first place...the people who planned 9/11 are still there in those mountains plannig another attack

Iraq? what was that all about? oh yeah WMD lol
He only appears to be a dove.

I think Obama will want to send troops in to Israel to negotiate and enforce a peace treaty.

Then he will instate universal health care and force us all to get micro chipped.

It鈥檚 not that far fetched when you think about it.
Does anyone really know what to do? Bush is calling for "time horizons" as if Americans aren't smart enough to realize that he himself is calling for a time table to get out
Obama said in the beginning that he wanted to invade Pakistan. The media just didn't cover it extensively.
Obama campaigned he was AGAINST the war and a prophet of peace. He is a lair and a fraud.
... yeah... and he does not really know when he can get out of Iraq.. he is sounding more and more like Bush every day... has big money got to him.. or is this just another flip flop.. Barry the man with the face of many colours...
I guess the major CHANGE in his foreign policy over Bush's is to CHANGE the deployment assignment of our combat troops.
He is not pro war, he wants to get those that are responsible for 911. So do I, we have wasted enough lives in Iraq.
He wants to go after AL Quida, that was always his platform. There never was Al Quida in Iraq, until we invaded it.
And he wants to stay in Iraq for at least sixteen months!
Another stupid Yankee war monger.
I like it.

With his vast military experience you should expect as much.
When you grab a wolf by the ears it's hard to let go. When you're riding a tiger it's hard to get off. When you have a bull by the horns you can't let go. After the current rodeo clown dismounts for Obama's turn, and releases the animal from the gate, Obama will try to ride it for 8 seconds (which seems like 16 months) and then get off without having his arm torn out of the socket. The question is not what to do with the current "big game" but whether great white hunter has to go out tiger-hunting again or instead, he can find some other hobby, like arts and crafts, like fixing the potholes in the street or maybe exterminate some lice and rats at the VA hospitals instead of religious extremists. I would never support Obama unless I knew he'd invade Pakiston in response to Osama's new video depicting him in the Children's Hospital in downtown Pakistan, giving Obama the "finger". If we don't fight "the finger" in Pakistan, we will have to fight fingers at home. Then after we blow up the Pakistan Children's Hospital, Sec. of State Phil Graham will call Pakistanites "whiners" as these sniveling bastards pick up their kids' organs strewn about. Then the angry Pakistanis will will elect religious zealot, Dictator Roughshod Johnny who will make Osama their VP, so Obama will have no choice but to liberate Pakistan and then, to curb our dependence on foreign crack-cocaine, he will have to take out Afghanistan. I believe in Obama 'cause it's a scandal that America produces less than 1% of the crack cocaine we consume, and upon which our economy (prisons) depends. Americans will be at the mercy of Afgahn cocaine growers until we go there and kill everything we see, with a committment to grow enough crack and meth so we won't have to go to war just to keep our prison-based economy from total collaps. Only then can we keep American drug dollars in America. So you see how it's only that Irish immigrant Brock O'Bama who really cares about all of us working families of American penal institutions regardless of race. But McCain would only help the simian sex-offender wing of the prison, in keeping with his creed as a an authentic American rape-jokester. But fear-not, Americans, McCain said "I know how to win wars." Over and over with racing thoughts and rapid pressured speech. I am relieved that McCain has also achieved the diagnostic criteria for BiPolar and Schizoaffective Disorders, manic phase, in showing his irrational belief in his own absolute invincibility and control. So long as you keep him away from the Haldol and Geodone, nobody will mess with us, since Genocide is "never having to say you're sorry."

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