Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why has Obama failed to reach any level of bipartisanship that Clinton was able to achieve while president?

As much as I don't like Clinton he was able to get bills passed with bipartisanship support which Obama has failed miserably.Why has Obama failed to reach any level of bipartisanship that Clinton was able to achieve while president?As many criticisms I have of Clinton, he was actually Presidential.

When Obama speaks, he plays partisan games and speaks in half-thruths.

Seriously, the guy is so un-Presidential.Why has Obama failed to reach any level of bipartisanship that Clinton was able to achieve while president?
Obama doesn't come from a political family like the Clinton's, Bush's, Kennedy's etc. He is literally the new kid on the block. The people Representative. Deals would be done in Washington ,scratch my back over dinner in a restaurant, with a cigar etc.

Obama is literally a lamb surrounded by wolfs. He has to understand politics is dirty rotten business. He needs to kick some a$$...!!! for the people. and not to be frightened of the 'Good 'Ole boy thing..

Nancy Pelosi. Now that is a "Tough Gal.......!!!Why has Obama failed to reach any level of bipartisanship that Clinton was able to achieve while president?Because the current crop of republicans are unwilling to compromise!

Look for example the stimulus bill.Obama tried to compromise with them and then not ONE republican voted for it.

Then the hypocrites went home and bragged about the pork they brought home from it to get re-elected!
Really? Obama has gotten more done in the past two years than any other president since FDR.

And speaking of bipartisanship, he's for both cutting spending and raising taxes on the rich, while the Republicans say that "taxes are a non-starter."Why has Obama failed to reach any level of bipartisanship that Clinton was able to achieve while president?Because Barack Obama is an arrogant Chicago thug. All Barack Obama knows is corrupt partisan politics. That is evident from his condescending speech yesterday.

Barack Obama lied to everyone in America, saying that he was bipartisan just so he could be elected.Why has Obama failed to reach any level of bipartisanship that Clinton was able to achieve while president?
The political climate in the US has changed. Many of the G0P got used to 8 years of Bush, and then the radical Tea Party came into being. The Tea Party has polarized Congress.
Clinton faced a mountain of partisan opposition.

He tried to pass anti-terrorism laws, but was blocked until the Oklahoma City bombing. Obama is facing the same obstructionist GOP Clinton did.Why has Obama failed to reach any level of bipartisanship that Clinton was able to achieve while president?
obama is a bitter, sarcastic, small-minded partisan hack. Idiots elected him President, and now we suffer.
Clinton understood the will of the American people and moved with the political wind while Obama has strings attached to his appendages and is stuck in the mud.
Righties don't like having to answer to a black guy. They think it's beneath them as white men. In other words, they are racist dumb azzes.
The Republicans in Clinton's congress were a kinder, gentler bunch than the fanatics Obama has to deal with today.
Because the extreme right Tea Party people refuse to compromise one tiny bit. They want their social agenda and don't care about anyone else's rights or ideas.

It's their way or the highway...
No one will ever equal Clinton in bipartisanship support. He really knew how to reach across party lines.
clinton had majority republican congress
Because Obama hates bipartisanship.
Bipartisanship works both ways. The Teabaggers have made "compromise" a dirty word.
Because you have obviously forgotten about the party of NO.
He fails.
the teabaggers are the 1st thing to come to mind
Obama's motto: It's my way or the highway
cuz obama aint bi

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