Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hillary and Obama supporters, do you think either can win without the others supporters?

Hillary needs the black voters and Obama needs the working class voters, so if they think that neither can with without each others supporters, will the DNC make them get on the same ticket?Hillary and Obama supporters, do you think either can win without the others supporters?BOTH UNITED will defeat McCain.Best way is ,Hillary as the CANDIDATE and Obama as a running mate.I'ts not Obama 's time yet.Next election will be better for the man.Obama needs that experience and nothing better than being Hillary's vice PRESIDENT.NEXT ELECTION%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;DEFINATELY%26gt;Hillary and Obama supporters, do you think either can win without the others supporters?
No, they can't. But then, they won't have to do so.

McCain's support for a war that is failing and his admitted inability to handle the economy will bring all Democrats back to whichever one wins the nomination. It will also bring Independents who believe this war was a mistake that just keeps getting worse over to the Democrat side.

Nouri al Maliki will win this for the Democrats. As Iraq's Prime Minister, he has been unable to coalesce any of the factions into a working government. His military commanders are an incompetent joke at best, and traitors to the Iraqi military at worst. And the loyalty of his soldiers is in question; but it looks like that question is being answered soon, they keep abandoning the army to join Moqtada al Sadr.

And those that don't abandon McCain because of the actions of Nouri al Maliki and his military will abandon McCain on Bush's failing economy and McCain admitting that he has no idea how to fix it.

The Democrat nominees will be fully viable in November regardless of who wins or if they even join together on the same ticket.Hillary and Obama supporters, do you think either can win without the others supporters?Well, I don't agree with what you are saying about Hillary. She doesn't need black voters to win. All she needs to do is get more delegates any way she can. The type of voters she gets won't matter. Obama on the other hand does need the votes of working class. Especially now after the whole "bitter" comments were made. In addition to working class, he needs lower class. He needs to prove to them that he didn't mean to say what he said that way. The bottom line is that Obama needs working class more than Hillary needs blacks. And I don't think they will be on the same ticket, simply because they have too many values to come together and agree.
Hillary can win on her own and many of his supporter would support her but I don't think many of her supporter would support him. They need the blue states and Obama hasn't been winning the blue states and they need a few red states. If you can't win the blue states and swing states you just can't win.Hillary and Obama supporters, do you think either can win without the others supporters?No so Obama needs to concede to Hillary since she is the true victor in this race given that he is a moron and lost 20 debates. She leads in superdelegates and he cannot win the big states. Also he is slightly retarded, and an elitist, racist, arrogant misogynist. nuff said.Hillary and Obama supporters, do you think either can win without the others supporters?
Even if Hillary stood on her head and showed her bloomers, I wouldn't vote for Obama. If Hillary isn't our Democratic nominee, I'll be voting for McCain, I KNOW he's a patriotic American.

Actually, Hillary doesn't really NEED the black vote once she's in the general election. She will however need the women's vote.Hillary and Obama supporters, do you think either can win without the others supporters?
Hillary doesn't need Obama.

Obama is damaged goods at this point.

Obama can't win the GE no matter who his VP is.
This has all worked out in favor of McCain. The Democrats have officially lost the election regardless of who their nominee is.

Probably not. I do truly think Hillary will win over his supporters with more success though. I know he will never win me over, I will NOT vote for that fraud.
Hillary needs Obama more than he needs her. I wont vote for her at all. EVER!

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