Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why was Obama smirking during the debate? Wasn't that disrespectful of the process and viewers?

Did you notice Obama snickering when he wasn't speaking? Does he take presidential debate and the right of his opponent to express his views?Why was Obama smirking during the debate? Wasn't that disrespectful of the process and viewers?I thought I saw that. What got me are all the lies!

OBAMA: Said that if families get a $5,000 tax credit for buying health insurance and the insurance then costs $12,000, that's a loss for them.

THE FACTS: The tax credit offered by McCain is more generous for the vast majority of people than the current tax break, which they would lose, according to the Tax Policy Center. Now, people don't pay taxes on the health benefits they get from work. Obama's statement gives the impression that $5,000 is all that workers will be getting to help them pay for a health plan, but that's just what the federal government will provide. Economists say most employers would still contribute to their workers' health insurance. The Lewin Group, a health care consulting firm, found that by taxing health benefits but providing a tax credit, the average family would come out $1,411 ahead.


MCCAIN: "Sen. Obama, as a member of the Illinois state Senate, voted in the Judiciary Committee against a law that would provide immediate medical attention to a child born in a failed abortion. He voted against that."

OBAMA: "If it sounds incredible that I would vote to withhold lifesaving treatment from an infant, that's because it's not true."

THE FACTS: As a state senator, Obama opposed three legislative efforts, in 2001, 2002 and 2003, to give legal protections to any aborted fetus that showed signs of life. The 2003 measure was virtually identical to a bill President Bush signed into law in 2002 鈥?a bill that passed before Obama was in the U.S. Senate, but one that Obama said he would have supported. The state of Illinois already had a law to protect aborted fetuses born alive and considered able to survive. Among those opposed to the state effort was the Illinois State Medical Society, which argued that the bill would interfere with the doctor-patient relationship and expand civil liability for doctors. Critics said the proposed legislation would have undermined the landmark Supreme Court case on abortion, Roe v. Wade, in ways the federal law would not.

McCain wasn't perfect either but when Barry claimed that spending would not be increased that was another lie - spending is ESTIMATED to increase by over $281 BILLION and of course that's probably low!Why was Obama smirking during the debate? Wasn't that disrespectful of the process and viewers?
What you're not realizing is that A. Many Americans don't have enough money to shell out $5000 dollars even if they will later be refunded and B. most Americans that do in fact spend that much money on health care will far surpass $5000 and still go bankrupt.

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Why was Obama smirking during the debate? Wasn't that disrespectful of the process and viewers?no...not at all..I did see him smile a few times when McCain was misrepresnting his position though
He was laughing at the idiot who was speaking nonsense.Why was Obama smirking during the debate? Wasn't that disrespectful of the process and viewers?maybe he was laughing about all joes money he will spread around.Why was Obama smirking during the debate? Wasn't that disrespectful of the process and viewers?
He treated Hilary that way, he won, he is trying the old trick again.
I didn't see that as snickering, he was polite unlike McCain. McCain kept smirking and talking over Obama. How disrespectful!

If McCain can't speak with another senator in a respectful maner, how do you expect him to act with world leaders? He has shown that he has short temper, and breathing hard into the mic only annoyed me even more!Why was Obama smirking during the debate? Wasn't that disrespectful of the process and viewers?
he wouldn't be so arrogant if he didn't have the secret service keeping

his safe at every turn!
He's cocky and disrespectful. Probably thinking "heh, they believe me. Losers."
He was only smiling when McCain was flat-out misleading America about what Obama is planning to do.

If you thought that was disrespectful, what did you think of McCain's eye-rolling and almost constant smirk?
I saw them both smiling while the other one was answering.

I also heard McCain sighing a few times and he also interrupted Obama, while he was speaking, quite a few times.
You should also ask about the red-faced, seething anger of John McCain that was clearly visible beneath his forced smile. The man looked like he was about to pop an artery.

Rage is not something we need in a President who's going to have to deal with other powerful leaders all the time.
Well, you must be trying to get a feud started!

McCain was much more rude than Obama,and let me guess- you didn't see that. We teach our children to wait until someone is done talking to speak and I wish I could have grabbed McCain by his ear, just as my mother would have done because he interrupted Obama a few times.... and let me guess, you didn't hear that either.??

OBAMA is our man. Vote Obama 2008......

he was trying not to laugh at what mccain was saying.

It's just a trick. It worked. Look at how many people are falling for it. It's like in "Killing yourself to live" by Black Sabbath:

"I'm telling you

Believe in me

Nobody else will tell you

Open your eyes

And see the lies, oh yeah"

I'm voting for the irish guy anyway.

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