Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Now that Obama has ended the recession, will racist republicans begin to respect him?

Obama saved the US economy that Bush through in the tank. Isn't that enough to deserve a little respect, even from racists?Now that Obama has ended the recession, will racist republicans begin to respect him?So even though Obama sued Citi forcing sub prime loans on them and being a key contributor to this mess even before he was in office, Obama gets a pass on it and you put it all on Bush's shoulder.

Give me a break man.

By the way, the economy is recovering in spite of Obama.

Typical recessions turn around in 16 to 18 months because people get tired of not making money so they jump back in. This is what we are seeing as w el as the economy being artificially proped up by the TRILLIONS they are printing and throwing into it.

The fact is that Obama's policies have beenn horrible for business and the economy.

Obama gave more money to the Endowment of the Arts to get them to pring Propeganda than he did to Small Businesses.

Then there is the race card, which completely shows your ignorance.

The democrats throwing the race card is their pathetic attempt to try to dodge actually tallking about and addressing the issues because their policies are so bad that they can not defend thembeyone name calling and bumper sticker slogans.

Consider it like the defense mechanism of a skunk. When the skunk is cornered it merely sprays its malodorous scent since it lacks any other valid defense against the more able threat. The skunk is pretty low on the pecking order but nothing much messes with a skunk. Therefore the skunk has adapted well to its conditions. If the other animals were to tap into some cognitive thought they might conclude that if they killed all the skunks they wouldn't have to smell them anymore. That is to say let them spray if in the end it means the end of skunks.

The democrat party is and has always been the party of Racism and that is why they throw race into every issue, because to them it is the main issue.

We can simply disagree with Obama's policies, which have all been tried and have failed every time throughout history. We simply are actually smart enough to realize that and love this country and do not want it to fail.

I really truely think that everyone is equal and should be treated as such.

I think that when people like you throw the race cars so much when it is not warranted you cry wolf and when people truely violated then they are taken much less seriously and that is a shame. That is exaclty what people like you are doing for the cause. Ruining it.

As long as people like you keep pushing the issue and makeing EVERY issue a race issue, the Problem will get worse and not go away.Now that Obama has ended the recession, will racist republicans begin to respect him?
turning around and calling other people racist doesn't solve anything. obama has not saved the us. economy . the economy will grow back eventually, it's a timing thing. bush didn't destory the economy the economy itself did. It's not racist, if we just take out that obama's black it's not goign to stop republicans from disrespecting or hating him, if a republican was prez, the democrats would hate him all so. it's not racism it's reality, you can't just go around and saying it's b/c of racism it doesn't solve anything. if we were to take race out of obama the equation would be just obama is a president not obama is a black president i doesn't make him any better or any less better because of his race. such a double standard.Now that Obama has ended the recession, will racist republicans begin to respect him?No! republicans don't even respect their own followers why would they respect president Obama. When the republicans lie to their base about death panels, health rationing and Obama not being a citizens of this country it shows that they have no respect for their base. Surely lying to someone over and over is not a sign of respect.
And when will unemployment start to drop? Far as I can see Obama hasn't "saved" anything. I much prefer the situation under the Bush administration where we actually had people that understood the way a free market economy works to this one that has a theory written by Karl Marx that has failed in every country it has been tried in.Now that Obama has ended the recession, will racist republicans begin to respect him?First of all the recession is technically not over. Second, I am an Obama supporter saying this, and third, they will always dislike him.

You see, he just seems to...foreign for a lot of the right wing. Yes, he was born in the US, but in the fox news people's eyes, he is always an illegal muslim arab who wants to destroy their way of life. They will always think that, no matter what.

Finally, not all republicans are racist.Now that Obama has ended the recession, will racist republicans begin to respect him?
You really think the recession is over? Economists are just saying that so people will maybe spend money again. The unemployment rate is still extremely high. I dare you to tell the people that haven't been able to find a job for 12 months that the recession is over!

Obama will have to do something miraculous for me to believe he was a good choice for President.
Awww..yawn... the race card again....the only defense for Obama...too bad you can't defend him with real politics and issues...Obama is black...and so what... he is evil and a moron... he supports murdering the can you defend a man like that...he has not resolved the economic problems America is having...which by the way were created by ignorant Americans who bought things they couldn't afford...they didn't pay back the loans and this caused a domino affect... i will never respect a man that supports murdering the unborn... he is filth...anyone who supports that no matter what color is filth.Now that Obama has ended the recession, will racist republicans begin to respect him?
You have three major problems, and I will personally break them down for you:

1. Pulling the race card makes you look plain stupid. A person who doesn't support Obama isn't a racist because they do not support him. A person usually doesn't support Obama because they don't agree with his policy- (you know the things he does) I had to put it in there just incase you didn't know what it was. hehe

2. You obviously haven't watched the news. If Obama is doing such a great job then why does the UN want to get rid of the dollar, and why does the rest of the damn world want to change the US dollar as the world's reserve? China's getting upset because where spending to much so they don't want to buy our bonds anymore..... WOW! YOUR PRESIDENT IS DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB

3. By calling us a racist your being the racist

Watch the news honey and get your sh*t straight before you get out there and start offending people who have every right to disagree with an administration.
9.7% unemployment. A dying Real Estate Market. The same practices in place that put Housing under to begin with. Massive debt-to China, of all countries. Massive amounts of money leaving the country vis the "stimulus package". Deteriorating relations with India over Obama's economic spewage. Seriously, we couldn't have at least borrowed from a close ally-or were they too smart to take the bait?

Thank you, Mr. President. I am sorry that in my racist little heart, I was ever concerned that you racked up the projected national debt to 9 trillion. I may try to make excuses like-'my great grandchildren will have to pay for that!'-but you and I both know that I was venting about the color of your skin all along. You see, I am just a wee-weed out, not-quite uneducated little Texas girl clinging desperately to my guns and religion (both of which are protected by the Constitution, but I do not expect your Harvard background in Constitutional Law to have clued you into that.).

Sorry try asking that in a year. The answer will always be NO. There is such a divide between democrats and republicans at this time never seen since the civil war. Republicans would actually rather see Obama fail even if it means they go down with him. Such a shame...

The plan was always to attribute the failing economy to Obama and the recovery to everything Obama had nothing to do with.

Obama opponents will not deviate with this plan. They will simply keep trying something new. Their fervor is endless.
The unemployment rate is nearing ten percent that is depression. there is a real problem with our economy and it should be the first issue that is tackled.
Bush "through" in the tank? You mean threw??

And the recession didn't start till democrats took congress in 2006.

AND the recession has not ended.
Wow! You really believe it's over! With gold at a $1000 it's just a sign that we have only hit the tip of the financial iceberg we are careening towards.
I think you have made an honest incorrect statement.

Priminister Steven Harper ended the Canadian recessions. YOU AMERICANS ARE STILL IN A RECESSION!!!

I am no Republican or racist I am of a third party (see my profile description for more) but he has a lot of work to do to earn anyone with a brain's respect.
Someone put tequila in your kool-aid. You show me what Obummer has done to save the economy. And quit playing the race card. It only shows how stupid you are.
Not true but as long as the racist libs play the race card the answer is nope!!!!!!!!
Unemployment still all time highs..

This is the beginning of a depression.
You need to put that Obama fairy tale book down and get real.
the recession is not ended it is no where near ending.

Ended the recession? My friend, we have just begun.
You funny as the saying goes in the movie Green Berets.

Nice try but you are wrong still!
LOL..Nice try

Guess you must be joking!
oh yes...he has fixed stupid are you? seriously?
These people won't admit anything, they're insane.
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