Thursday, February 2, 2012

What did Obama mean in his statement that we should look at hospice care as a viable option for the elderly?

Evidently, Obama doesn't think that people are smart enough to know when to give up on life? He think we're all blithering mental patients that need the government to think for them. He wants to limit care, not reform it. He's nothing more than a fascist that just wants the elderly to die.

What's your thoughts?What did Obama mean in his statement that we should look at hospice care as a viable option for the elderly?This Obama health care bill will drastically change the way the American economy operates while simultaneously bankrupting this nation. If this plan is passed it will be a massive REDISTRIBUTION of wealth - just like Obama told Joe the Plumber he would do. Obama wants to take the money from those who have it and spread it around to those who don’t have it.

This is NOT America - this is NOT the American way - his warped version of a country exists over in Russia or Venezuela - not here in America. Obama wants to take your money and give it to someone else. He wants you and me to pay for the health insurance for someone else who can’t afford it. So not only can YOU afford health insurance for yourself - but Obama thinks that because you are so lucky to be “rich” - you should pay for other people’s health insurance too! Aren’t you lucky! (and their mortgages) o_OWhat did Obama mean in his statement that we should look at hospice care as a viable option for the elderly?
Barry has to do that so the illegal ALIENS who are covered under 0bamacare can get THEIR healthcare instead of the CITIZENS who paid taxes and committed the crime of living to old age...What did Obama mean in his statement that we should look at hospice care as a viable option for the elderly?That's the only care that's going to be offered!What did Obama mean in his statement that we should look at hospice care as a viable option for the elderly?
Because he is exempt. he want to commit genocide and have America support his decision. He is a Nazi Socialist Communist.What did Obama mean in his statement that we should look at hospice care as a viable option for the elderly?Hospice?


What a crock. If I'm getting insurance from the government, I expect military-grade artificial hips so I can go skiing in the alps.

What about them apples?What did Obama mean in his statement that we should look at hospice care as a viable option for the elderly?
And take a pain pill rather than get the operation.

Heaven help those of us whose families tend to live longer than 'standard demographics'. If you live to be 97 and start getting denied treatment at 65 (as some country plans stop mammograms at that point) you are just sol. But heck, you were too old anyhow.

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