Thursday, February 2, 2012

How many people like Obama\Biden ideas but, are not voting for them because of Obama's race?

My poor red neck friends really hate Bush and any republican. They voted against bush the first and second time. Now that Obama is running for president, they are voting for McCain. If that's not racist I don't know what is. They say their not. But anyway, how many of you voting for McCain because Barack is black. Honest answers. Please don't be shy. |||Obama is black?|||Alot more than people realize. Really sad ain't it?|||The people who sleep with their relatives.|||I certainly am not. But my idiot of a brother in law (I really hate to claim him sometimes) is. He was all for Hillary and absolutely hates the Republicans. But now he is voting for McCain because he doesn't want a black person to take office. It's racism pure and simple. The sad thing is my sister isn't racist and they have three children. I fear that his hate filled attitude will infect my nieces and nephew for the rest of their lives and turn them racist as well.|||I am voting for Obama because i am not a redneck|||Your question is that of a racist, Obama's plans are a sure way to destroy America and that is why i do not support him, trying to label people bigots because they will not vote for an unqualified candidate is beyond ignorant.|||even though america is said to be technologically advance and smart... we still live in the 1950's and 60's... America is still simple minded and naive to new possibilities and change.... with that being said, i totally agree that people are not voting for Obama because of the color of his skin...|||I am not voting for Obama because I don't believe in his ideas.

The US was not meant to be a socialist country|||Americans have a choice of two candidates.

One educated in the College of Peace.

One educated in the College of War.

That choice will determine the outcome of this election|||I'm voting Obama because I want to ruin our country beyond repair!!!...

LOL, No, I'm not going to do that.. and it has nothing to do with his race, it's the fact that he's not experienced enough to run this country. |||Well to be fair, just as many people are voting for Obama just because he IS black. ||| I don't like Obama at all ~ His race has nothing to do with it.

It amazes me that you have friends that been olding enough to vote for eight years but yet you cll them, "your poor redneck friends"|||How about how many people don't like Obama/Biden's ideas, but are voting for Obama/Biden because Obama is black?

I bet it's a lot more than those who are voting against Obama because of his race.|||Everyone does seem to forget that Obama is of mixed race... if elected, he will not really be the first black president... He will be the first mixed race person (or whatever politically correct tems is used these days) ever elected elected president. This is not a racist statement at all, although I am sure it will be pegged as one when it is posted, it is just to show that Obama has conveniantly forgot about his white heritage in proclaiming the possibility of becoming the first african american president. Which seems odd becasue he was raised solely by his caucasion mother and caucasion grandmother... just food for thought on the subject |||our country has come so far, huh? |||anybody who refuses to vote for Obama because he's black is ignorant. is he not a man? is he not human? does he not bleed when cut? he bleeds red, just like everyone else. all that's different is the melanoma level in his skin.

get over the fact that he's black. it doesn't matter what his race is, his gender, or any other stupid thing. all that matters is his experience. and personally i do not believe he has enough experience in the government to run our country. he just got elected govenor. he's not ready for the responsibility of running our contry.

however, i'm not especially fond of McCain. yeah yeah yeah yeah. he fought for our country. i understand that. so did my great grandfather. my cousin is in the army. one of my friends got injured badly during training. people in my church are over there fighting. i get the whole fighting for our freedom thing. but he doesn't have to play that card so much. we get it. you fought for our country. we're grateful for it. stop bringing it up.

just my opinions.


jessica mae|||Well i am not voting on gender race or age : quote it's about the economy stupid and that why i am voting for OBAMA/BIDEN 2008|||Many|||It should be a no brainer, after all of the unspeakable atrocities against all civilized good sense and reason in the last 8 years, and their now easily visible results (wars of aggression based on known lies and propaganda, low American credibility on the international stage, and Bush's legacy of unseen levels of anti-Americanism in the world, as well as a tanking economy, huge deficit and debt, and a sinking dollar which makes the price of oil even higher at home, the oil the Bush administration swore would go down to 20 dollars a barrel after invading Iraq), that any Democrat would take this election in a land slide, and yet, Obama and McCain are running neck and neck, and McCain even with a slight, and - I would hope - temporary lead in the polls (if you can believe them,) since introducing Sarah Palin as his running mate.

McCain has been strongly along with Bush ever since the latter got in the White House; see his very strong endorsement of Bush and his policies, including the Iraq invasion/occupation at the 2004 Republican convention. McCain has STRONGLY supported nearly of Bush's initiatives, even when they involved war crimes and crimes against humanity, never mind Bush's economic agenda (which has led us directly to the melt-down we are now seeing.)

A McCain administration would be Bush all over again. Only at the campaign stage, and already there is secrecy, stone-walling and cover-ups regarding Trooper gate, and any other questioning of his running mate, lies about their own record, and false smears against the opposition, and hick red-neck appeal. Palin's command of the English language seems to be as bad as Bush's - I don't care what gender she is, the USA really doesn't need another cock-sure, unthinking, embarrassing dingbat for a spokesperson who can't even use proper English grammar and pronunciation (it's "Iraq," not "Eye-rack," ffs), who contradicts herself at every turn, and doesn't make any bloody sense. Like Bush, McCain is cynically trying to appeal, with his choice of Palin, not only to a few disgruntled Hillary supporters, but at the same time to the American Taliban - people in the extremist right-wing religious fringe, who were not crazy about McCain, but who were Bush's "base," along with the same oil company executives and neocons who are running McCain's campaign and foreign policy agenda...

It would all be just more Bush, and even worse (anything is possible), if Sarah Palin should become president....

It is a sad shame, but even from the outside, looking in, it looks like a size-able enough portion of white voters simply will not vote for Obama because of his race. If only these people would realize how much they are preventing the USA from regaining the respect, credibility, trust and moral leadership in the world that were lost under Bush's leadership, which has become known the world over for its murder, arrogance, lies, incompetence, greed and hypocrisy.

People of the world recoiled when Bush re-entered the White House for the second time in 2004, but most knew it was a very close race, and that nearly half the country was VERY STRONGLY OPPOSED to the Bush presidency, and a great many also suspected that there was election fraud in 2004, which pushed Bush over the top, which there was:鈥?/a>

But if Bush should be allowed to win a third term, through McCain and Palin, I dare say, all hope is lost.

To get back to your question: As to how many of American voters there are who, despite all good sense, will not vote for Obama because he is half black, I can't tell you, but Jack Cafferty of CNN asked a similar question as you did, and he shares some media opinions, and emails that he received from various viewers:

Cafferty: is race a factor?鈥?/a>|||Well let's look at all the reasons why they claim they won't vote for him. They claim he's inexperienced. Yet Palin with her 2 years as governor could very well end up running this country and they're fine with that so it's not a lack of experience.

They say his policies will ruin the country. First, this is just speculation on their part, and second the economy was much better off under Clinton than any of our recent Republican presidents. And Clinton raised taxes so it's a safe bet that Barack's plan will have similar results.

Some claim he's a socialist, a terrorist, a muslim, or racist which are all lies. So there really is no legitimate reason they give for not voting for him. Therefore we can only conclude that most aren't voting for him because he's black.|||Everyone and that means those democrats who are anywhere but far left, who even remotely like their country, needs to go to this series of articles to see who the real obama is.

It will hopefully scare you straight. If you hate the republicans then don't vote but for the love of your children and all that we cherish in this country DO NOT VOTE FOR obama.|||most people dont know or wont admit there racist

obamasucks69 those are obviously aviod the issues and there just specalitions

far right wing proganda

check this out the real mccain鈥?/a>|||I heard 95% of blacks are voting for Obama because he is black.

The reasons to vote against Obama are too numerous to even consider race. He could be purple and anyone with an ounce of knowledge wouldn't vote for such a crook.

You are looking for racism where it doesn't exist.|||Some are not voting for Obama because his WIFE is racist and she has a lot of influence over him. She despises "white America" and puts down her own race. Read her college paper (the one they tried to have sealed when Obama became a candidate, but it got out and is now available for all to see).鈥?/a>

|||Lol he just sucks ...and he has people buffaloed|||Obama/Biden have not original ideas! Many people are voting for him simply because of the color of skin, something Dr. Martin L King strongly advised against!

People are voting for Obama who is inexperienced, lacks leadership skills, and had a significant deficit of moral character.

And, how can anyone contemplate Michelle Obama in the Whitehouse?

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