Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why is Obama refusing to comment on documents that show how he helped illegal aliens not get deported?

Should Obama come clean on his involvement as a community organizer helping and assisting illegal aliens in breaking the law?Why is Obama refusing to comment on documents that show how he helped illegal aliens not get deported?Careful, the YA PC police look for logical questions.Why is Obama refusing to comment on documents that show how he helped illegal aliens not get deported?
He has more important things to do than peruse the same right-wing extremist blogs you do and leave comments in the comments section defending himself. Sorry to disappoint yaWhy is Obama refusing to comment on documents that show how he helped illegal aliens not get deported?Pardon me while I search the archives for your question asking why Bush refused to comment on documents that showed how he helped get the Bin Laden family out of the US after 911.

Isn't it time to deal with the really important issues?
Why should he comment on documents that do not exist?

Are you getting your information from the same station that said there were Death Panels in the Health Care Bill? The Same Channel who told you that Obama is building Internment Camps to house Republicans?Why is Obama refusing to comment on documents that show how he helped illegal aliens not get deported?Executive privilege . . .

Every president since Kennedy, except perhaps Reagan, has far-and-away abused that privilege, to the detriment of our country.

Sadly, I have to take his side on this, though, in that as long as his sick, demented keister resides in the White House, he SHOULD be above requirements to release such documents, lest every future president be plagued (as W was, though fraudulently so) with unending streams of accusations and insinuations.

I not pro-Big-O, I am in support of the Office of President.

(BTW, W sided with Vicente Fox in every major latinofascist effort by the Mexican government, and he appointed members of La Raza to his administration.)Why is Obama refusing to comment on documents that show how he helped illegal aliens not get deported?
And what is going to happen? Because NEITHER party is going to stop illegal immigration. Sorry, but one party wants to give them amnesty, and the other party wants to do nothing. Both are doing this because they don't want to lose the money or the votes. And if you actually think that either party is going to do anything, you are seriously deluding yourself. You could probably ask this of any political figure in congress right now, too. None of them have done anything to stop illegal immigration. Matter of fact, some want to stop the sheriff in Arizona that is fighting to stop it. And now with that SB1070 (or whatever the hell the number is), they are all wringing their hands trying to figure out how they are going to quiet the donors without stirring up the constituents.

Don't try to delude yourself - neither party is for immigration reform as the majority of American Voters want it. They are for the immigration reform as the hispanic population and farmers all want it - give them what they want.
Obama come clean.......that is a big joke. He has lied about who he really is, has no real birth certificate that he will produce. Obama is Acorn and corrupt and lies and has cheated his way to his position as Commander in Stupidity. Yes, he should come clean, but a liar will lie until they take their last breath. And Obama will lie forever and blame some one else, you can bet on it. I am sure Obama is scared because his Acorn cronies already have probably 98% percent of Illegals registered already to vote in Nov and 2012, illegally of course, but Obama himself is illegal, so go figure.Why is Obama refusing to comment on documents that show how he helped illegal aliens not get deported?
LIAR, PLAIN AND SIMP:E........................
he wants to keep as many here as he can so they can bribe them in exchange for their votes in 2012?? just like the special deals for votes on obamacare? remember that?? votes for citizenship!!!
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