Sunday, February 12, 2012

Have any Obama supporters considered the possibility that he is lying?

The biggest stock market crash in history and a trillion dollars in bail outs. We are broke. The cookie jar is empty.

Obama is promising a trillion dollars of free stuff and lower taxes and he has no way to pay for it.

Is the concept of a politician lying to get elected new to you?Have any Obama supporters considered the possibility that he is lying?All politicians make promises they cannot keep. Sometimes, it's because they're blocked by Congress. Osama's supporters are mindless sheep and are sold on the cult of personality. Don't bother them with serious questions or facts.Have any Obama supporters considered the possibility that he is lying?
I know a few people that agonize over how blindly people follow Obummer. It's hard to have faith in the American people.

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Have any Obama supporters considered the possibility that he is lying?Obama stated he would do a line by line revamp of the budget. For any new program, another wasteful one would be cut. We have money, but the Republicans have been wasting trillions of dollars with no results. I trust that Obama would cut the fat, and he would then fund appropriate, beneficial programs that would help Americans and taxpayers, instead of sending it abroad to fight a war to nowhere.
Nope...McCain says daily that Palin is experienced enough to be President. Even most conservatives call that one an outright lie.

The cookie jar was not got emptied out because Corporate America needed the welfare.

Obama has stated that due to the economic crisis it may be harder for him to do all of the things he originally planned on doing...pretty honest for a politician eh?Have any Obama supporters considered the possibility that he is lying?Obama is a liar, liar, pants on fire. And I am not voting for him any more. After the last debate, when he lied to all of America, I threw him under his own damn bus. I am now voting for John McCain.Have any Obama supporters considered the possibility that he is lying?
McCain is wanting to spend the same about of money on more wars so the difference is Obama will spend it here in America for Americans not in other countries as McCain tries to take over the world.
Whatever a politician says isn't a guarantee, so of course they're gonna lie, some might be truth though, you're just gonna have to trust your candidate.Have any Obama supporters considered the possibility that he is lying?
media is bombarding people with good news about Obama, so people have no time to consider anything
we know he is lying he is a politician you know when they lie their mouth is moving when not chewing.
Yes.. and they don't care...

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