Sunday, February 12, 2012

Do you really believe Obama is a terrorist lover and hater of USA as the McCain campaign claims?

So does this mean that Obama is running for President so he can hand us over to the terrorists???

Personally I find it far fetched that this could be true, but I imagine there are some people out there that might find it believable.

If you are one of them, please tell us what you think Obama's nefarious plan is.|||I DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING McCAIN SAYS ANY MORE.|||McCain campaign isn't who uncovered that and solely made that claim. The information has been out there and available for quite some time now, even before Hannity's special. So, to answer your question, I am not sure what his involvement is exactly with terrorists, but I do believe his association with not one, but several questionable people and organizations warrants another look.|||If you watch the ads they are claiming he "pals around with" domestic terrorists. The ad is about his friends in the U.S. who have wished, done, and wanted harm against the U.S. in the past. Some of them have never condemned their part and even wished they were able to more as recently as 2004.

PERSONALLY, I don't mind his association with Ayers, but I do believe it does show bad judgement. I am more concerned with his accepting the endorsement of the DSA in 1996, and endorsing and campaigning for Sen. Bernie Sanders (openly socialist) in 2006. Sen. Obama in 2007 was then voted more liberal Sen. Sanders, in fact the MOST liberal man in the Senate.

I saw an answer earlier in this question that Sen. Obama would never be given a security clearance in the public sector. As someone with a federal TS clearance I can personally vouch that he would NEVER hold up to the scrutiny. I almost got denied because my step-brother who I have not spoken to in 10 years was in prison on drug charges. How is he supposed to pass the scrutiny of his friends? His endorsing Sen. Sanders? His DSA endorsement acceptance? His wife saying she doesn't like America?

I can't believe I never thought of how brilliant this FACT is. Stupidity on my part.|||Of course it's not true.

You are assuming that the people levelling these ridiculous accusations actually believe the drivel they speak. I doubt they do. They just say whatever it takes to get them power.

I suspect even members of the public who say they believe it actually deep down don't and quite likely for many of them, their choice to accept such unsubstantiated accusations is just a cover for their racism.|||I personally do not believe Obama is a terrorist.

And the reasons are incentives.

Are there any real incentives to becoming the President of the USA and a terrorist lover at the same time? What could he possibly gain from doing so?

Also, although the President holds lots of power, our government's checks-and-balances system prevents any President from carrying out extreme actions.|||First off, he was raised by a Athiest and a Muslium. So he got a bad start to begin with. But in Obama's book that HE wrote, he was quoted as saying if the winds of things change, he will side with the muslims. and the muslims want to kill us all and are terrorists. If he beleives muslium beliefs, takes musliums side sounds like he IS a terrorist. If he wins, it is the official end of our country being the home of the free, because he will install muslium terrorist rule to our country. He had NO business even being considered for president. |||Obama has many assorted friends and associates of questionable character. Obama has very questionable character. I think people need to look for the truth. It's pretty bad how people just close their eyes and believe anything Obama says. These stories have been out for a long time and the MSM refused to talk about them. Now people are starting to find out and I only hope that most will find the truth before it's too late.

Vote Smart!

Consider Your Children and Grand-Children;

Their Future Is In Our Voting Hands!

Country First!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!|||If the Neo-cons want to talk about past associations, may be we should remind them about their past associations. Who was it that supported Osama Bin Laden and the Talibans against the Russians? One could deduct that if we had not, the Russians would have defeated those terrorists and 9/11 would never have happen. Who was it that supported Saddam Hussein in the 1980's an sold him those weapons of mass destruction? They should run that footage of Cheney and Rumsfeld with Saddam more often. Who was it that supported many of those murderous Dictators in the world like in Chili? How many Americans did this W. Ayers kill ?People who leave in glass houses should not throw stones!|||i think obama isn't a very good judge of character based on who he associates with and doesn't have a good moral compass. he may not intend on making us vulnerable to terrorists but he's too naive. the fact that terrorist groups are supporting him over mccain show that they think he will be more easily manipulated. i tend to agree.|||it is funny how general clinton was the one taking the information from john andre which was passsed to him by arnold. arnold was in direct contact with general clinton. his idea was to weaken west point in order to allow the british to capture it, and constitution island, there by gaining almost certain control of the colonies. oddly enough, william jefferson clinton (former president) did much the same thing in down sizing the military in a very erroneous and drastic fashion...slowly but surely. this is incredibly odd. as to why people would choose this man hussein, well, i think i have shown why you should not, and further more why he wont win.


"Under no circumstance could Obama get a government clearance in the public sector."

MS S, i concur|||he hates whites. Read his book.

From Dreams of My Father:'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father:'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father:'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'|||Sarah and her husband were friends with Joe Vogler .Joe Vogler was the founder of the Alaskan Independence Party Mr. and Mrs Sarah Palin were members.Vogler as stating "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions.

The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. And I won't be buried under their damn flag. I'll be buried in Dawson. And when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home.

|||I don't know this Bill Ayers. But I've heard this story before. In fact, from about 2000 years ago.

Jesus was accused of consorting with tax collectors and sinners. He even picked some (Matthew was a tax collector) to be disciples. Matthew went on to record one of the gospels. Ayers is a college professor now, I believe. The point is, having an association with shady characters is not the same as being one of them. I'm actually proud to associate with a diversity of people.|||It's not terrorists! What a silly claim. He's really involved with ALIENS!!!1! Once he takes over, he's going to build landing strips for gay martians whose favorite food is white people. Then we'll finally see the plans laid out by Rev. Wright and Ayers brought to fruition by that evil Obama.

yeah... that's about as likely, I think.|||I think that's an extreme viewpoint. His motive is power, same as everyone else who runs, but you have to question his plan for the future when you look at the people who he chooses to relate with. He is also clearly the most liberal candidate to ever run, including Ted Kennedy.|||Absolutely not. But Sarah Palin is part of radical haters of the United States, and that would be terrorism and tyranny the way they want to sucede Alaska from the United States, and McCain is tied to the hip of the Nazi's and a best friend of many anti-black people in Arizona.|||i and many others much brighter than me believe that mccain is scared to death and has resorted to distraction tactics that are shameful and degrading to the republican party.鈥?/a>|||*palm over face*

I think you're the most gullible person I've ever seen. He has been with the Senate for 12 years, had a white mom and a black dad, and some how he's still a terrorist. Hmm, okay.

Btw its amazing how many people disagree with me, even though i state cold hard facts|||Like a previous post mentioned, Hillary started it. McCain will finish it.

Under no circumstance could Obama get a government clearance in the public sector.|||McCain is desperate.

Palin is an idiot.

According to their standards, I can see the moon from my house, that means I am qualified to be an astronaut.|||Why did Obama launch his career from Ayers front porch then???

Seriously, back off the Koolaid. Their connection is well established|||I like your question. I believe it all to be a Smear Campaign in desperate times fo the Republicans. Obama is very open about his life, all which can be researched truthfully|||You have to consider that there are ignorant people who will believe any lie they are presented with no source or verification what so ever.

OBAMA BIDEN 2008-2016|||I don't believe thats true. But it's crazy to think about Obama's radical friends. Such as that Bill Ayers fuker, who wanted to blow up the pentagon and what not.

|||no,ayers was a guy that obama happened to know from helping out on a bill and mccains making it look like obama fricken helped the guy blow up sh*t.|||Yea growing up in Hawaii is a good place to get all your terrorist rhetoric. Give me a break is this all they got left.|||yes, lets catch obama and hang him , and letting ben laden be free so he can laugh at us even more, thanks to bush and mc cain we spotting terrorist in right places AGAIN|||No, I think he is a Democratic Socialist who wants to make every citizen equal.|||IT IS JUST A SMEAR FROM THE RIGHT WING TRYING TO FEAR MONGER THE AMERICANS. JUST LIKE BUSH DID FOR W.M.D IN IRAQ, AND THE ECONOMY FEW WEEKS AGO!!!!



Watch "Obama %26amp; Friends: History of Radicalism" on YouTube... I guarantee you won't sleep at night knowing that this man has a chance to lead this country. Yes, it was by Sean Hannity, but the information seems pretty credible.|||First off the President has to be an American that should answer your question. Thats why im voting for the only American running McCain

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