obama has 10 more primaries and caucuses to go through, and he needed some rest before getting back on the grueling campaign stomping ground.
next...Why does Obama Vacation to the Virgin Islands while Juan Mcain travels to Iraq to talk to troops?
I think he has been campaigning for the past year and a half with no vacations.
He has smaller children and just need to take a break. McCain just took a little break not too long ago...over Easter weekend.Why does Obama Vacation to the Virgin Islands while Juan Mcain travels to Iraq to talk to troops?Obama had to see his Bro , that is over there, so they can't miss out on anything
Oh brother. You know what the best part is? It's YOU AND I, the American working people, who REALLY deserve a vacation.Why does Obama Vacation to the Virgin Islands while Juan Mcain travels to Iraq to talk to troops?McCain is no longer campaigning against anyone. His camp realized that he couldn't just sit back, that he had to stay in the public eye . So, off to Iraq they sent him... to look very Presidential and stay in front of the reporters' cameras.
Obama and Hillary are still in a heated race, so they couldn't go far. So both took short vacations. Hillary to Chappaqua and Obama to VI for 4 days. Now they are both right back on the campaign trail.
Dude... do you ever read any newspapers, any current event magazines, .... or do you just come up with these stupid questions without thinking? Your questions all follow the same pattern... no research and no forethought and no valid deductions whatsoever.Why does Obama Vacation to the Virgin Islands while Juan Mcain travels to Iraq to talk to troops?
I heard there was more "Hope" and "Change" in St. Thomas than Iraq.
Because McCain has never vacationed while American troops were being killed in Iraq, right? Is that what you're being dumb enough to say...or do you just like reading the words you've typed on yahoo answers no matter how stupid they are?
I think Obama has more of a right to take that vacation considering that if it were up to him they would have never been in Iraq to begin with. How about McCain, and Hillary, and every other chicken hawk Republican, democrat, and everyone in between pack up and move to Iraq and stay there until the war is over.
By the way, what does it matter that McCain "talks to the troops"; he only comes back to the U.S. and lies about what they say and what they're thinking. Almost ninety percent of the troops say the war is lost and they should return home; McCain says something totally different all the time doesn't he?Why does Obama Vacation to the Virgin Islands while Juan Mcain travels to Iraq to talk to troops?
he had campaign funds burning a hole in his pocket, why else?
Well, Obama has had to campaign a bit harder than McCain lately, and since the PA primary is still a bit away, maybe it was a good idea to take a break. I thought it was pretty smart to rest.
Maybe mr mcain knows it will get him a good rep...and that's the only reason why he seems to give a crap....how often before he was in the public eye running did he go to iraq
Obama is gaining momentum again. A mid-election vacation is exactly what he needs. He will come back tan, rested, and ready. Well, okay, he's already kind of tan but you get the point.
I think the real reason was that Obama needed to get out of "earshot" of his racist church because they gave him the heads up that Otis was going to do a HATE SERVICE for Easter Sunday Morning Service. Isn't that great?
who is Juan McCain?
Who is Juan McCain???
You realize McCain also did fund raisers in all of those countries he visited right?
Yes including Iraq
LOL funny but seems true. Obama is cocky and thinks he has the nomination wrapped up. McCain is at least trying to get first hand about the war since it is a huge issue in the election. Hats off to McCain and bon voyage to obama not only on his vacation but to any chance of presidency.
When you look at the pictures on T.V. with McCain sitting in a high backed "throne" next to a high class diplomat abroad, what does it look like? Exactly what McCain wants it to look like, that he is President and that he trying to create an image of himself, like that, to people of other countries.
Obama is having a rest, not trying to make himself look good, not pushing himself on anyone, just relaxing.
When you have a long road to walk, during the next few months, the only sensible thing to do, is to take time to rest, to keep your healthy and relaxed. He is not TRYING to be anything, just himself.
You are really trying to put one over, aren't you, by comparing Obama to Bush. Nobody can be compared to Bush, he has don too much damage, for anybody to come anywhere near the destruction he has caused to America.
Because he is smarter and knows most Americans do not support this kind of empire building.
That's Obama.
Funny how Muhammed's birthday was at the same time
as Obama'a trip. He could celebrate in private until the cows came home.
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