Currently the Hill Burton Act requires hospitals to treat the needy if the hospitals accept federal money. Obama said that the health care reforms he supports will not apply to illegal aliens. How will the federal government enforce that? Require proof of legal residency from every sick person? And does he really mean to repeal the Hill Burton act?What are Obama's plans to ensure that only legal residents get health care?There is no way to enforce it in an emergency setting. In a doctor office, sure, you can bring a SScard. And honestly, when did THAT become such an issue. I dont want to be the person in the ER that turns some illegal alien away with a limb half cut off. So whats the point.What are Obama's plans to ensure that only legal residents get health care?
He will most likely make all Illegal aliens legal so they can receive healthcare. That way, he will be standing true to his word that "illegal aliens will not receive healthcare".
You can read the full bill if you like.鈥?/a>What are Obama's plans to ensure that only legal residents get health care?Illegal aliens can buy insurance now from any insurance company who will sell it to them. As far as President Obama's plans go there is no provision in the house bill so far that will give illegal aliens or as I like too call them residents without legal standing access to tax payer funded Health-Care. Personally I think people should worry more about getting good affordable Health -Care period in this country.
If I am a tourist and become ill I expect to be treated with the best care possible. In the same way if an illegal immigrant is ill, he will have to be treated then billed and deported.What are Obama's plans to ensure that only legal residents get health care?When the economy starts to recover (which it is) he will give all illegals amnesty.
See your political standing at http://www.bestpoliticalquiz.comWhat are Obama's plans to ensure that only legal residents get health care?
Good point, but illegals will get obamacare, even if obama has to give them all amnesty.
Its simple, Obama will legalize all aliens.What are Obama's plans to ensure that only legal residents get health care?
Make all illegals American citizens.
None, its as simple as that. The new bill cant override previous laws.
He has no such plan.
What Obama said was that nobody illegally in this country would be covered in this health care reform. That's not exactly the truth now is it? These health care reforms will not take effect for several years. The next big agenda by this administration will be to give amnesty to all these illegal foreign workers in our country. Then guess what folks? They will be all covered by the government health care. They will not make enough money to be required to purchase health insurance so we the tax payers get to flip the bill for them as well.
I have heard at least 6 alternative health care reform plans. 4 by Republicans and 2 by Democrats. The flat out dishonesty by this administration that alternative plans exist is truly disturbing. Obama has not plan. He is basically supporting the Congressional bill that he has continuously proven he does not really know. If you are going to staunchly support a bill, you had better know all that is included in the bill.
I have had about enough of Obama, Biden, the Senate and Congress. I am effectively voting every current office holder out of office in the next election. Can you say out of touch and out for themselves? I can and it makes me sick to see the foundation and principals this country was founded upon thrown in the trash. This did not start with Obama. It has been happening for years and both parties are at fault. This health care issue is just one of the many things that the government is truly incapable of reforming. Look in the mirror government! You are the root of the problems in this country.
Look at every government run program we have. They all are poorly run, over budget and always cost more the originally estimated. Now we want to trust these yahoos with another. Trust? How can we trust any of them. Please join me in voting out every current office holder. This country needs fresh faces who are will be open for discussions on every issue facing this country.
Good Night and God Bless this country!
Your question doesn't matter to right wing republicans. They have no intention of trying to understand the complexities of health care, or anything else for that matter. They just mindlessly repeat what they have heard from right wing radio or the pretend 'news' channel "Fox News".
Every plan I have seen proposed by democrats deliberately exclude illegal aliens from receiving health care. The most likely plan that will succeed will mandate that everyone carry insurance. That way the cost would be defrayed among a large pool of people. Once a person opts into a system, whether it be a private or a public insurance option, they would have an identification card. To get services you will have to provide proof of insurance, just as you have to provide proof of automobile insurance when you are pulled over by a police officer.
It would be easy to prevent non-payers from getting free services by mandating that those seeking care provide such a proof of insurance. Critical care patients will always be treated, even if they are not in any plan. That is a fact of life. Any one of us who ended up shot or stabbed and showed up at a hospital should expect to be treated, even if we didn't have proof of insurance with us.
But the problem with illegal aliens could have been largely prevented had GW Bush and republicans done something to close our borders while they were in control of government. Bush controlled the White House for 8 years. Republicans controlled both houses of congress for 12 years. Since 9/11, when Bush promised to protect our nation from terrorists and invasions, more than 12 million illegals flowed across our border. Bush's promise to protect the US meant nothing, if it had Bush would have stopped the invasion of our southern border. Republicans and conservatives 'talk tough' but they NEVER do anything substantive to close our borders.
It is deplorable how Bush and republicans clamored for war against a country which never threatened the US, with had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, which had nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden and which had no weapons of mass destruction, yet left our souther border wide open. How many terrorists simply walked across our border among the 12 million Bush let enter our country?
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