Sunday, February 12, 2012

Does the Obama presidency reuqire a new understanding of American history?

Does the Obama presidency, which followed a global crisis of American deregulated capital, the failure of Iraq and Afghanistan policies, including revelations of torture, require a new understanding of American history? If so, what is that? If not, why?Does the Obama presidency reuqire a new understanding of American history?No it requires shutting your eyes to reality.Does the Obama presidency reuqire a new understanding of American history?
Yes, the Obama Presidency requires that people recognize the press in the United States is now dead. Obama's parents were never investigated, what kind of influence did they have on the young Barry. Both his mother and father were communists. Obama's early influences were never investigated. By his own admission his mentor was Frank Davis, and he speaks fondly of "Frank" in his book. Frank Davis was an admitted Communist and pornographer. Another great influence has bee Rev. Jeremiah Wright and only small amounts of information have been allowed to surface. Still in the works is what contacts did Obama have with Louis (I hate Jews) Farrakhan? Also, what was Obama's precise voting record in the Senate? Nothing covered by the press. The press is dead and that is the new understanding of an Obama Presidency. He may say and do anything without any questions or challenges of his constant lies and distortions. The press is dead.Does the Obama presidency reuqire a new understanding of American history?Deregulated capital? You mean the government insuring the banks that anyone with a pulse and a heart beat can own their own home? Which caused the current housing crisis. Have we forgotten Vietnam and torture?

What new understanding? The same thing has been going on for a hundred years.Does the Obama presidency reuqire a new understanding of American history?

Why would he need a new understanding of it, other than it telling him not to compromise with Republicans or we'll be in another depression where the rich can snap up everything at bargain basement prices.Does the Obama presidency reuqire a new understanding of American history?No it is, however, necessary to educate the current occupant of the WH in American history.Does the Obama presidency reuqire a new understanding of American history?
Whenever I feel like a chuckle, I come to the politics section.
No, Americans need to understand the new Palin - Bachmann history.

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