Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why do people criticize Obama for not fixing the economy?

Anybody who is not involved in business day in and day out will have no clue on how to handle "rough" patches in the tough business world. Successful business men all have positive attitudes about their work, climate, clients, workers, market, etc and will work countless hours in order to succeed. Therefore, shouldn't we criticize Obama for "trying" to fix the economy when he should in reality focus on other things that he has better knowledge in and could actually help? Obama implementing any economic policy will only dampen the recovery period. Politicians can never do anything productive regarding economics and business.Why do people criticize Obama for not fixing the economy?He pushed and shoved his stimulus through saying we were all going to hell in a hand basket and hes just sitting on it not spending any of it...all he will achieve with this UNstimulus is cause higher inflation and more unemployment.Why do people criticize Obama for not fixing the economy?Maybe it should be his priority instead of running off to bow to and apologize to his friends in the muslim world.Why do people criticize Obama for not fixing the economy?"Politicians can never do anything productive regarding economics and business"

Because otherwise they would be in business and not in politics.

It's what we do. People just criticize.

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