Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?

Using the return on bailout funds Obama has decided to use that money to create a jobs program without the approval of the Congress.

Can the Executive branch now invest that money and use the returns anyway they see fit without Congressional approval?

If so, is this a danger to our Republic?Why can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?neverWhy can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?
HEIL OBAMA!!!Why can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?We don't have rule of law anymore. It is a distant memory. Welcome to Obamaland.
Ummmmmm.....congress voted on the stimulous superfriend.Why can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?Obama is a threat to the constitution, but hold your breath on any squawk by the ACLU they're too busy persecuting Christmas.Why can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?
Language in the TARP bill allows them to use money from TARP to invest in small business growth. They will need congressional approval for the other plans. If President Obama does not get congressional approval then you can cry about how they "usurp the congress".

Didn't know that did you?

So hit me--V
I guess the 0bama adminsitration can do any damn thing they want to now and get away with it.

Guess they above the law and what that money was to be used for.

Get ready America, 0bama will do anything his f**king azz wants to do and F**K the American Public and you Liberals let him get away with it! So much for youLibertieses!Why can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?


arnd americans wont stop shopping at comi wallfart
He started losing our Republic almost a century ago. Obama is just the first one to make full use of his dictatorial mandate.
Nope, not a danger. He's figuring you are going to complain about that money no matter what he does with it, and you aren't going to work with him on a compromise, party of no, so ultimately what does it matter to you, you are going to hate him no matter what he does.
It really depends on who you listen too. The GOP says it's illegal to use TARP funds. Since when have they been right about anything. Seriously..

Let's see: Is it a danger to the Republic to create jobs to eliminate unemployment? Of course, by all means, by any means, eliminate unemployment to improve our overall economy.

Here's an article for you to read:

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