Monday, January 30, 2012

How can you support Obama knowing that in Illinois he favored killing babies born prematurely?

Obama favored denying treatmernt- thus killing- babies born alive after botched abortions. This was happening at a Chicago area hospital. Babies were born alive after late term abortions, at a time where they could survive if given medical treatment.

Obama was the only politician that favored giving these little babies a death sentence. Even Hillary supported a national bill that would have saved these babies' lives.|||I don't|||he is a sick man|||PROUDLY|||It's easy for Hypocrites{Formerly known as democrats}. That's all they do is lie and change rules as they go!|||PROUDLY |||Yeah, I love how he (and other Dems) favor the killing of thousands of innocent babies and call it "pro choice" (no choice for the baby!) and then they can turn around and say that we should keep convicted murderers on death row alive... Seems pretty twisted to me!|||Democrats are all about baby killing--that's why I vote Republican. Republicans are pro-life. What about partial birth abortions where they were pulling the baby part way out and then killing it--as long as he/she wasn't all the way out, he/she wasn't born yet, so it was legal to kill him/her.

Sigh....Will God forgive this kind of person? I hope they see the light some day very soon.|||Read the actual literature on the bill and its companion bill in the legislature. It's very clear that doctors in almost all cases said the babies were so premature they would not be able to survive for very long even with medical assistance since they were not adequately developed and putting them on life support would do no good.

Also the companion bill allowed individuals to sue doctors for performing abortions they asked for. It was ridiculous! All the bill would have needed to pass was for the companion bill to be dumped and an additional passage that was present in the national bill to be added. (Since the national bill was already in effect and federal law trumps state law the bill was superfluous anyway, and any good minimalist small government Republican would have opposed it except for the fact all the pro-life loonies would have jumped on their backs.)|||Wow.

And yet you can still breathe through that thick fog of conservative BS.

Obama opposed SB 1082 because it had a 3rd clause that was redundant of both the first 2 clauses and a previous law already enacted. SB 1082 was also a copycat bill of H.R 2175.

Obama opposed SB 1082 because it contained the word "abortion". He agreed completely with the bill itself, but voted to change the wording of the 3rd clause so that it could not be construed as undermining Roe V. Wade.

Obama voted in 2003 to change the language of the bill.

The National Bill (H.R 2175) passed without a single dissenting vote from either house of congress because it mentioned nothing about abortion.

Plus, even before the bill was passed, it was already illegal to deny care to infants and preemies, so Obama was right to say that it was already enacted.

The allegations by nurse Jill Staneck that it was happening at the hospital "were not substantiated" by any police investigations.

But you make a very nice straw man argument. |||PROUDLY. Women made those choices. Not Obama. Once you give up the right to make decisions about your own body to the government you cease to be your own person. Obama desire to let me have reproductive rights is one of the reasons I am proud that he is the nominee |||Because some of us don't believe in creating laws to strip women of their right to have an abortion. It's not the government's place to say what is moral and immoral when it comes to decisions as personal as this. Apparently you are pro-lie. Which is fine. I am pro-life as well. But when it comes to other people I am pro-choice. |||This is fiction. I don't get your point anyhow; McCain is pro abortion, too, privately, because he knows most unwanted babies and their mothers wind up on welfare, which he opposes.|||

Many on this site are falsely presuming that Obama's voting against certain abortion legislation was because it provided babies the right to protection if they survive a late-term abortion. Obama correctly has pointed out that the existing law provided such protections already, and voted against the newer legislation due to OTHER constraints it would put on the woman's rights.

The act which failed in the Illinois Senate sought to outlaw pretty much ALL abortions....for any reason including deformity, terminal illness, rape, incest. The legislation in question threatened the standing abortion laws in the state, while others provisions were bundled in that created liability for doctors, designed to intimidate doctors and make it more difficult to perform legal procedures. So Barack Obama opposed it for that reason, not to oppose protection of babies born alive.

The act was designed as "wedge" legislation. It would have no effect on medical procedures, but was designed for just for these sorts of attacks. The Illinois legislature, after Barack Obama left to take his US Senate seat, passed a law that explicitly said it wouldn鈥檛 affect existing Illinois law on choice. Barack Obama has said he would鈥檝e supported that law.

When a group does this, they put one horrible provision (the "infanticide" part of the bill) and package it with a bunch of other provisions that assault a woman鈥檚 right to choose. Then, when someone votes against the bill to protect that right, they say the vote was over the "infanticide."

In reporting on abortion-rights opponents鈥?criticism of Sen. Barack Obama's opposition as an Illinois state senator to bills seeking to amend the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975, the media have promoted numerous myths and falsehoods about Obama and the legislation. In several instances, the media have simply repeated false accusations -- or made the accusations themselves -- that Obama's opposition amounted to support for infanticide. In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bill posed a threat to abortion rights and was unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct supposedly addressed by the bill.

On the August 18 edition of his radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Obama "believes it is proper to kill a baby that has survived an abortion," while right-wing pundit Ann Coulter said that Obama "wants the doctors ... chasing it through the delivery room to make sure it gets killed." Further, author Jerome Corsi claimed that "[e]ven if a child was born, he said the woman still had the right to kill the child in an abortion," and Oregonian associate editor David Reinhard wrote that Obama's opposition was "enabling infanticide." In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bill posed a threat to abortion rights and was unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct supposedly addressed by the bill.

So instead of thinking, "Hmm, this sounds just a little too improbable, that Obama would want babies surviving abortions to be killed. I'd better research this first before I make this claim. After all, I'm a journalist and don't want to be caught out reporting on something that turns out to be easily debunked, and that most people would think sounds phony from the start. I don't want to lose my credibility as a journalist," they instead just MAKE STUFF UP, expecting their audience to be dumb enough to fail this gullibility test of a story.

It's been said that, if it weren't for lack of context, there would be no news. But this is ridiculous.

You have to consider the source. One source of these claims is Jerome Corsi, who has also written that McCain made his wealth through the Mafia and that 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush Administration.

Another source of these claims is Jill Stanek, who says domestic violence is acceptable against women who have abortions. She also supports billboards in Tanzania that say "Faithful Condom Users" in English and Swahili, written next to a large skeleton, to discourage condom use. She claims that "aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies" in China to which she added, "I think this stuff is happening."

Nurse Jill Stanek claimed that fetuses that were born alive at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, were abandoned without treatment, including in a soiled utility room. The Illinois Atty. General's office, then under abortion foe Jim Ryan, directed the Illinois Dept. of Public Health to conduct a thorough investigation of the claims, because what she was alleging were violations of existing law, supporting Obama's position that Illinois law already prohibited the conduct. Illegalities aside, Ryan was naturally quite concerned that such heinous activity could be going on in a hospital, as any sentient human being would. But as one might expect, the story that was so heinous that it couldn't be true, in fact was not true. The investigation concluded, "The allegation that|||'s not 'killing babies'.

He just believes in womens' right.

If you got pregnant right now, would you want to be forced to have it and live with it for the rest of your life?

Or abort it BEFORE it is considered a human with human rights.

Barack Obama stated in one of his speeches that it is not HIS decision to make, he doesn't know what is going on in that woman's life.|||B.S.

Let's see some links.

If you're going to past crap like this, you'd better be prepared to post links to legitimate pages that provide exact details of what you're talking about.

.|||Obama votes to kill 4 million children every year. Then he votes to preserve the 'sanctity of life' of rapists and serial killers.

|||He will lie, cheat, steal and kill living, out-of-the-womb babies if it helps him get elected. That's the bottom line. I think most people are still unaware how much of a degenerate Obama and his ilk, i.e. Bill Ayers, truly are. Moderate, my back side. |||Judge not, lest ye be judged!

If you are woman, do you realize that unless you fertilize each and every one of your eggs, you have murdered unborn children?

And if you are a man, do you realize that unless you use each and every one of your spermatozoa, you have also murdered unborn children?

Do you think that life only begins with fertilization? What about the rights of the unborn eggs and spermatozoa? So-called "right-to-lifers" (as called by themselves) are, in fact, not only hypocrites, but cold-blooded murderers.

And anyone who gives this post a thumbs down is clearly a murderer as well.|||He doesn't favor killing babies, he favors womans rights to choose if they want to have baby or not. My mother who is totally democrat is pro-life and doesn't like how he is pro choice. But I agree with him, its the womans right to choose, not the government. People argue that its no ones right to abortion, but technology is so advanced now we have choices. |||Yeah... I'm sure that's what happened. I'm sure Obama came out, stepped up to the podium and said "Let's kill all the babies!" I'm positive that's the exact scenario.

How can you vote for a republican agenda that's been responsible for the death of thousands of American soldiers... not to mention thousands of innocent civilians? Because your pastor told you to? Hey... way to think for yourself!

Too bad we don't have a law banning sheep from stepping into the voting booth. Maybe if we did, we wouldn't have suffered eight years under Curious George the confused monkey!

I'll take your garrish accusation seriously once you and all the other conservative, back-assward Bible thumpers stop supporting the murder of thousands of adults in the name of false-ideology and a bullshit war on terror.

|||I'm seeing a lot of talk on pro-choice. Yes, a woman's right to choose is extremely important. I would never disagree. Maybe I am misunderstanding how a woman becomes pregnant...I know, it's such a difficult concept... it's a choice, right? I mean, it doesn't just "happen". Perhaps if a woman doesn't wish to have a child... she should be a responsible adult and not have sex. Just a crazy thought. But I know it's so easy to blame everyone else and never own up to consequences of anything we do.

Well, you might say, what about rape. Yeah, that sucks. Life is hard. But it's not an innocent baby's fault. We have adoption agencies. People want children. Seems to be a good solution. But what do I know. Perhaps doing what's right is overrated.

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