Thursday, January 26, 2012

What proof is there that Obama is racist against whites?

Glenn Beck claims that Obama has a deeply seeded hatred for white people.

Where is his proof of this?

What proof does he have?

Not speculation, or guilt by association with other people who he speculates are racist, but what conclusive proof does he have that Obama is racist?

Obama has an entire white side of his family, who descended from the Irish.

Obama has employed dozens of white people to the highest cabinet posts in his administration.

Obama even has a white Vice President.

Exactly how is Obama racist? What has he done to show his racism?What proof is there that Obama is racist against whites?He's a black president. That's all the proof that Glenn Beck needs. Racist white people resent the guilt that society places on them so they project those feelings onto powerful black people in an attempt to feel better about themselves.What proof is there that Obama is racist against whites?
I don't know but Obama never says he is biracial, he always claims he is black. Why isn't he accepting his "white side" as you put it and embracing it? I'm not saying this makes him racist....just an observation.What proof is there that Obama is racist against whites?He ordered Eric Holder to drop a conviction on two members of the Black Panthers who said they wanted to kill white babies

His preacher is clearly a deep seeded racist...if you ever watched him. This guy preached to him for 20 years

Sonya Sotomayor, the woman who said if 18 whites got the top 20 spots on a promotion exam, you have to throw the exam out. He made her a supreme court justice

His assault on Arizona

His back door amnesty plan

Remember that Cambridge Police Officer he called a racist before he even knew what happened?
I'm not an Obama fan but Obama is not raciest. That is so stupid. His own mother was white. But he is the first black president and along with that comes some milestones he will have to overcome. He must be careful of what he says. Its part of the political game. Now I have heard from some people that he made raciest remarks in his book that he wrote. I have not read it so I will not comment. I really don't think he should use the term "typical white person" again though.What proof is there that Obama is racist against whites?As a liberal I want to thank Sheriff Joe for trying to use fact to prove his case.

While I might question his facts or what they really mean, I will say that he tried more than than other idiots on here that continue to spew their tainted opinions instead of providing proof, as the questioner asked.What proof is there that Obama is racist against whites?
Beck is sharing his opinion; no more than that. His is not a news show, he does not need polls or source material to back up his opinion any more than you do. You and I are unlikely to agree with many of his opinions, but he is entitled to them, and is well paid to share them.
Glen can think whatever he may. It's the idiots that buy that BS that I find fascinating. Lately, Beck tries to sound like the second coming of christ. You must first consider the source of the words, then you realize that wasting energy trying to figure it out is pointless.What proof is there that Obama is racist against whites?
Raising taxes on those making over 250k

Obama the Great Destroyer of Wealth and Growth. Unemployment going to 15 % under this clown.

He is against the HUMAN RACE

Does that mean Obama's white side of the family is white trash
There is no proof. You will not acquire the truth by listening to Glenn Beck who seems to be racist himself.

Besides, Obama is half white. He's not racist against his mother. That is just ridiculous.
There is NO proof. Even Beck knows that. It was childish and irresponsible of him to say it. He knows that his sheeple believe what ever lie he spews.
Taxes on seemingly arbitrary things like tanning beds which are, in effect, a white only tax. If Bush initiated a tax on afro-cream the liberals would be squealing at the top of their lungs.鈥?/a>

oops second link鈥?/a>
Glenn Beck-1 times

Proof-3 times

Obama-7 time

Whites-5 times

Racist-5 times

Your question too long,

made me count your rant ons',

please confine

to mime
Smell the coffee Mr. Ghandi no white person would ever get a political job if they when to a Rev. Wright seminar much less a church
I don't know if he is racist against white people. I just know he is an expert at driving a country down the toilet.
It's just Glenn's opinion. He can think whatever he wants.
He is half white, therefore half racist
Open your eyes!
Glenn Beck is a drama queen, pure and simple.
I saw him burn down a Gap one time.
He isn't white.
I'll tell you who was a racist. Herbert Hoover. And everyone knows it.
Hmm..going to a separatist church for over 20 years?
My favorite game is golf - because:

1. The balls are WHITE and

2. I beat them with a big club


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