Monday, January 23, 2012

What would you like to see an Obama administration accomplish in the first year?

If Obama is elected president and has the support of a Democratic majority in congress, the Democrat Party should be able to accomplish many of their objectives. What are the top 3 things you personally would like to see accomplished in his first year?What would you like to see an Obama administration accomplish in the first year?Hopefully lower gas prices, and get the economy back on track so Americans can get jobs. What would you like to see an Obama administration accomplish in the first year?
I would be happy just to see the damage this could cause kept to a minimum. Regardless of whether Obama wins or not, I do not believe that the Democrats are going to have a super majority in Congress. In fact I expect them to lose some seats. Government functions best when no one party controls both branches. People like to fondly remember the Clinton Presidency, but what Democrats always seem to want to forget is that he accomplished little of substance in his first two years with a Congressional majority. His most notable accomplishment occurred after the Republicans took the Congress. What would you like to see an Obama administration accomplish in the first year?Hmmmm, well to tax the living snot out of the Corporations and small business owners so no one has a job and nobody can afford gas or even food for their families. Oh, and to take away the freedom of speech for everyone- so we won't have to hear Obama supporters whine when they realize that he did not have their best interests at heart, ever.

Oh wait that is what is going to happen whether we like it or not. Welcome to Socialism coming to America in every town, city, county, state, from yours truly the majority liberal congress, senate and Obama.
Hopefully not further destroy our economy as the democratic house and senate have been great at. Hopefully not accept further kickbacks from corporations like fannie mae to vote against regulations in their practices as he did as a senator. And hopefully not following the practice of all democrats of promising tax breaks fro everyone, yet increasing everyones taxes. Hopefully, he will realize that putting new pressure on companies to down size or go over seas will cost americans' their jobs and hurt our economy. In addition, hopefully he will decide that lucrative deals for his half brother in china is not in America best interest.What would you like to see an Obama administration accomplish in the first year?Serious progress in the removal of American troops from Iraq, but only having engaged Iran diplomatically to carve out a deal that won't make Iraq and Iranian proxy.

Stability along the Afghan Pakistan border. Serious progress in capturing or killing bin laden, and serious gains in the covert area of combating al qaeda.

Serious progress on Universal health care, tuition assistance, a living wage, and other social programs to help the working and middle class.

This will be enough for one year.What would you like to see an Obama administration accomplish in the first year?
I would say that I'd like to see the economy repaired and peace on earth, but that's a tall bill to fill in one year! Also, I hope regardless of who is elected that the following things are dealt with properly. Here's what I hope for:

1. We need an exit strategy for Iraq. W plans on leaving a huge mess for the next pres. to clean up. We only have an agreement to occupy Iraq till the end of the year; we need a new agreement to continue our occupation or we need to get those troops out ASAP.

2. I would like to see health care reform. Incentives for employers to provide plans, better oversight, less bureaucracy. I also would like to see that health care continues to not be taxed.

3. Our global image to be rehabilitated. People across the world view us in a very bad light right now. It will be refreshing to have someone in office that can carry himself with dignity and as well have the ability to think on their feet. As well, I hope we can get someone in office that can pronounce "nuclear" correctly. I'm sick of hearing "nucular". It's petty, I know, but it's been driving me crazy for 8 years and then i heard Palin say "nucular"... It is appropriate for Homer Simpson to mispronounce this simple word, not our leader. I'd like to think we hold our nation's leaders to a higher standard.

1. 25% of troops in Iraq redeployed to Afghanistan to find Bin laden.

2. 25% of troops in Iraq brought home

3. Social security taxes levied on income between $250K-$500K

4. Repeal of Patriot Act - or at least parts of it.

5. Taxes increased on income over $250K - put towards national debt

6. Balanced budget amendment passeded in Congress (will never happen)

What would you like to see an Obama administration accomplish in the first year?
Make some real tax cuts for the middle class while the wealthy pay their share. Tell Iraq they are on their own after a certain date and begin to implement a pullout and a build up in Afghanistan. Bring big oil and its obscene price rises of the last eight years in check while working on alternative energy sources...
1. Start moving us out of Iraq.

2. Start working with a team of experts to get healthcare costs under control.

3. Start working with a team of experts to jump start manufacturing again and get our people producing goods again. This should start with the energy industry.
I belive that every candidate will do their best to serve the country, but some actions will benefit specific citizens. It's up to the American voters to decide if Obama is really the best person for the job.
1. End the war

2. Fix the economy

3. Provide large tax incentives/penalities for companies to hire in the US instead of overseas. Overseas employees need to be at least as expensive to companies as domestic employees.
Start Restoring trust around the world and have oversight over wall street (the greedy) to make sure they are doing there part by loaning money to help get our country back on track.As we are the biggest share holder in most banks form the bail out.
How about they accomplish even one of the things he is promising. If each politician would accomplish one thing they promise to deliver the world just might get better.
out of iraq

fix health care

out of iraq

prosecute war criminals from previous administration

out of iraq

- Fixing our Republican's friend Economy

- Fixing our Republican's friend Financial War

- Start being the number one nation in the world in alternative energy (let's stop dependence)
A concrete solution to end our involvement in Iraq

Repeal the "Patriot" Act

Begin subsidizing alternative energy production at the expense of oil and coal production
Impeachment of a non US citizen in the office of President,

then deportation of the illegal alien socialist.
Abolish the Patriot Act

End the War

Get our economy back on track

Reestablish the Fairness in Broadcasting Doctrine
If Obama were elected I would like to see him withdraw due to not being eligible to be the president of the US
Obama is a socialist - you will nothing from him - he will destroy our way of life.

To change the FCC rules back to WW ll so their won't be any more media propaganda for war.
1 Economy - stemming the recessional decline in all areas.

2 Ditto

3. Ditto
Addressing the economy has to be number one. So many things are tied to it.
You mean like the first 100 days of the Democratic congress? Ooo! Lets see!!
End the war, fix the economy.

His resignation!
More jobs for the american peoples
NOTHING, he's not going to win. Beisdes, his radical relations with Ayers, Wright, Rezko, etc are all coming back to haunt him. The end of October the nation is in for another big surprise about Obama that will have everyone wondering what kind of person he is again. A man's integrity, character, his honesty, his associations and speak louder than words. All in all, "birds of a feather flock together".
Go back to the senate where he belongs... This is going to be the worse thing America has ever had to experience...

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