1) When the Republicans in Virginia posted around signs saying that Democrats vote on November 5th?
2) Republicans making black avatars and yelling at Obama to make it seem that black people hate Obama? (They're merely dividing America through the race card, ironically)
3) The lie about the "Death Panels" in the Health Care Bill?
4) That Obama's a Muslim because his middle name is Hussein?What do you think is the most pathetic act by Republicans to degrade Obama?Neither... it's their refusal to let their children partake in his address about education to American students because they don't like his politics while they all praised Chimpy McDumbass and his inability to speak effectively and in complete sentences.
Congratulations, f@ck-tards! You just raised yet another generation of idiots who don't want a universal healthcare system yet believe their government should overturn Roe v. Wade.What do you think is the most pathetic act by Republicans to degrade Obama?
All of the Above, I can think of something Even Worse then all of the Them The Joker Make Up on Obama the Socialism Title is Character Assassination, Do I have to see Myself as a Liberal Democrat Allow Republicans to win when People say very Mean Things, I mean Clown Makeup That's Mean and I hope Republicans Don't Support that Measure are they Lose on Health Care Reform on the 2010 Elections They have No Right to Ruin America as they are.
Free Speech is not the Same as Hate SpeechWhat do you think is the most pathetic act by Republicans to degrade Obama?The "death panels" are absolutely in the health care bill! They are not called death panel but it does call for panels to approve of the procedures. Essentially life and death decisions made by government bureaucrats to as who gets treatments, I.E. death panels. Obama was without a doubt a Muslim at one time, and we know he is not a Christian, so what is he? For the first 2 examples this crap happens every election and if they are stupid enough to believe a flier as to elections they deserve it. I have never heard of the avatars and yelling. What about Obama calling the union thugs to go and attack the protesters at the town hall meetings and accusing republicans of busing in out of town people allalong having unions do this with ACCORN.
Umm obviously these people aren't listening to their own words. it sounds like they are degrading Obama right now. all these lies aren't the truth. its very sad that you have to put a person down like that. especially the president. Palin don't have to go through half of what Obama does but i still feel bad for her too.Stop being so hatefulWhat do you think is the most pathetic act by Republicans to degrade Obama?The stuff about his birth certificate (conspiracy theory that the conspiracy started when he was born in Kenya while having his birth announced in Hawaii newspapers--his parents just KNEW he would run for president 47 years later)
, also saying that Bill Ayers wrote his books for him.What do you think is the most pathetic act by Republicans to degrade Obama?
Karl Rove and Dick Cheney..
the real one the he is a socialist and is taking over America even if the actual citizens do not like it.What do you think is the most pathetic act by Republicans to degrade Obama?
All of them plus the ones told on daily basis
They are truly pathetic and truly laughable
Dining room tables..............
Their party is the party of the ignorants. The rot of America.
I think the people that go to the town hall meetings just to yell and prevent them from carrying on constructively are pretty bad.
This is nothing compared to the real truth about Obama.
Liberals constantly calling Bush a "chimp" and bashing Palin's family was worse.
Are you working for ACORN? Did Obama bus people onto Y! Answers?
5) Tell the truth! LOL loser!
Since when did the truth become hate speech?
Some socialism is good. but theres a fair balance. to a large extent, the 8 yr clinton whitehouse was an example of a way to be a moderate liberal. listen: look at what is happening in Venezuela right now. If Obama supports what Chavez is doing, then Obama should be thrown out of office right now. A big debate is the fairness doctrine to have liberal talk on radios. you cant push programming on radio stations and call yourself a free society. if the marketplace supports liberal talk, entrepreneurs will put liberal talk on the radio. get rid of illegal aliens, and you free up a lot of the healthcare system. stop people from charging asprins and cough medicine and bandages to the government clinics, and you free up medical dollars. socialism? hurricane katrina!!! the depression of 1929 to 1939! have a socialist system of handouts when theres economic or natural disaster!!! make people work and pay when times are good. provide the tools of job training for people to be self supporting. teach honest people to work metal shop equipment. give the license plate manufacturing to the honest citizens instead of using prisons as cheap labor. Stop letting ACORN and certain unions, and certain liberal groups fill seats and yell and talk over conservative voices just to stifle the opposing view. If you want Obamas plan, let the opposing side have their fair say! Is Obama a racist? The race issue is ridiculous. though I will ask this: Barbara boxer in a Senate committee meeting questioned the president of the black chamber of commerce. She quoted some other blackman. The Black chamber of commerce said he was insulted. She said the person she was quoting would be proud she quoted him. The chamber of commerce guy said "then you should have invited him." If Boxer was being racial by quoting some other black man, well I ask you: wasnt he being racial? Why do you need a Black chamber of commerce? Im listening to the video of the committee meeting in another window, as I type this. The chamber of commerce guy maintained a belligerent attitude from start to finish. I cant say that Boxer was out of line. I dont think she was. She had this black chamber of commerce president. She wanted to help him with his issue of jobs that are or aren't being created. She felt it fair and necessary to compare to another black special interest group. I dont see the conflict. I will agree she was out of line when she interupted another committee meeting to tell a guy to call her Senator instead of maam. I didnt vote for Obama. But all the lunatic Glenn Beck lovers want to call me a liberal because I wont get on the band-wagon and agree with every attack on the liberals. I pick and choose my arguments. Obama went on Jay Leno's show. So what. no big deal. Obama wants to radically overhaul healthcare. that might be a big deal.
megaton, being a brainless female - you should've have enough humility and read what others KNOW. Your hussein is the worst RACIST imaginable because - because I and over 50 % of Americans are smarter than neo-demon-c-rats and millions of parasites and illegals supporting hussein are. hussein obama sucks because he is a marxist=fascist, who wants an unlimited power."iam" - you, liar, hussein WON ONLY because he has dark skin (and muslim unlimited money), Here's the REAL difference... hussein's color is of NO IMPORTANCE to sincere, hard-working Americans. hussein obama IS a REAL racist. He nates the fact of NOT BEING WHITE... He hates the demonized WHITE middle class average American male, because hussein KNOWS that without forces of FASCISTIC affirmative reactionary - he would NEVER be a President.
Yes, the original fascists despised minorities...geepsies, for instance. Fascism had evolved. Fascists like obama's mentor marshall davis, like his sidekick bill ayers, like his "preacher" wright - are NOT "arian", but they are national-socialists like their icon shitler was. And all of them ARE the REAL racists, because they hate successful, independent, conservative WHITES for being white. In addition, hussein obama is muslim fascist...That's why he bowed to the level of saudi "king" abdulla's genitals (you wouldn't deny this FACT, would you?) - shaming and humiliating American OFFICE of Presidency. A muslem in barak hussein obama couldn't resist it...LOL...Mega, We the People - are different... We PISS on any muslem king, GOT IT??? We - don't bow to tyrants like abdulla...We - don't think china is an example worthy of following as YOUR president hussein declared...GOT IT??? hussein obama wants unlimited power. Once he got government-ran healthcare (because he got everything else) - he will have that. Protest muslim-fascist obama. michelle obama-she-devil, spoke of hate to America in public, remember that, megaton...she-devil is YOUR "first-lady"...NOT OURS...WE LOVE CAPITALISTIC AMERICA...WE AGREE WITH DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, WHOSE TENANTS ARE 100% ANTI-HUSSEIN BARAK OBAMA... WE ARE FOR ANY AMERICAN, REGARDLESS OF SKIN COLOR , WHO LOVES AND CHERISHES AMERICA THE GREAT
What is truly pathetic is the way the Democratic Party Representatives, including the president is calling Americans who dissent
Ignorant, Stupid, Radicals, Angry Mobs, Un-American
OBAMA: So it鈥檚 not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren鈥檛 like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
BOXER: Let's make this Obama's Waterloo. Let's break him." That's what this is about. And by the way I saw some of the clips of people storming these town hall meetings. The last time I saw well-dressed people doing this, was when Al Gore asked me to go down to Florida when they were recounting the ballots, and I was confronted with the same type of people
PELOSI: "These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views -- but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.''
KERRY: You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don鈥檛, you get stuck in Iraq
SCHUMER: The inability of American soldiers to protect these tribes from Al-Qaeda said to these tribes, "We have to fight Al-Qaeda ourselves." It wasn't that the surge brought peace here. It was that the warlords took peace here, created a temporary peace here.
KERRY: And there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the 鈥?of 鈥?the historical customs, religious customs,"
There are many more. But these comments alone, to the entire world no less looks pretty bad.
The only people playing race cards are the Democrats actually. I have been labled a racist because I do not like Obama policies. I do not like alot of polices our government puts out, but never in my life have I ever been called a racist....
nothing , Obama should not be degraded
All of the above
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