Thursday, January 26, 2012

How will Obama help middle class and minorities BECOME homeowners?

The Obama/Biden ticket claims to be for the middle class. After the mortgage crisis and now this financial industry bail out, exactly how many middle class and minorities will be able to qualify for a mortgage? It's harder to get a loan now than last year and after all this it will become even tougher. So they want to help current homeowners avoid bankruptcy but millions of wanna be homeowners will be SOL.How will Obama help middle class and minorities BECOME homeowners?If you can't afford it, you shouldn't be buying it. Period. No politician should have to take care of it for you. They tried that already. Now we have a trillion more in debt.How will Obama help middle class and minorities BECOME homeowners?
To much debt on home loans like $150,000 house at 7% interest rate. At the end of your 30 year loan

you would have paid $360,000 for that house something like that . just like the national debt clock

just about every one is hurting with housing . Home built in the 70s for $15,000 go for $400,00

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How will Obama help middle class and minorities BECOME homeowners?To get a loan one must have a great if not impeccable credit history. Steady and reliable income. Be able to pay their bills on time. Are not saddled with mass amounts of debt. People who budget and live within their means.

I think that's the type of people who should be buying houses. jmhoHow will Obama help middle class and minorities BECOME homeowners?

Where not concerned with that right now. We will come to that after the market is under control again.

Thanks for the questions!How will Obama help middle class and minorities BECOME homeowners?But-but-but- I thought he was the MESSIAH!

No, really he will have Barney Fwank and his cronies will find another way to "encourage" lenders to lend to low incomers lest they be labeled as racist or bigoted lenders after the markets come back a little bit.

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