Thursday, January 26, 2012

Is Obama inspiring a generation of young americans to be dependent on the government?

Want health care? The government will force your employer to provide it.

Want a job? The government will provide you one.

Don't like your wage? The government will force your employer to give you a raise.

Want to send your child to a public school? The government will tell you what school to send your child to.

Is Obama's mantra "Ask what your government can do for you?"|||True but the republicans want to rob you to give wealthy CEO's more, take away a womans right to choose, spend billions more on this bs war, tell you who to sleep with, who to marry, basically run the country on the Bible.... BOTH PARTIES support big gov't. |||Absolutely!

And he is taking away the incentive to be the next Mark Cuban or Bill Gates , etc.

Spread the wealth and bring us all down!|||Obama and many other liberals are the ones using fear tactics, not republicans. They are tricking and scaring people into thinking they need government to bail them out of their troublesome times instead of doing it themselves. They are going to create bigger, and a socialist mind you, government; and doing so will force people to be government-reliant for a long time. If Obama wins, and implements his plans and policies, it will take more time, money, and effort to get rid of them than if McCain won. Why are people buying into thinking that they need government to take care of them and secondly, why are they claiming that republicans are the ones who are using fear tactics when republicans are only pointing out how big government will become and the democrats are in fact the ones who are using the bad tactics.

I also wanted to note, why is it that Obama talks like he is speaking for the people by telling us what we want. Someone else telling me what I want is obvious to me to be a socialist characteristic and I won't have it. If he wins, he is not my president.|||No the republicans are by doing a crappy job!|||American government exists to serve the interests of the people; not the other way around. Obama wants to restore the former kind. |||Stop sucking on the Fox News tailpipe. This is nonsense.|||WHOEVER SAID OBAMA IS USING SCARE TACTICS TO BAIL US OUT!


How about actually asking a question.....|||Bush is a virus. Obama is the anti-virus.

Put a white Republican who is immensely partisan in charge. Let him rub the fact that he is going do what he wants in everyone's face for 8 years. Let him keep us in Iraq to let Haliburton rob the US taxpayer. Let him be very much incompetent at his job, letting the US be attacked, getting us stuck in 2 wars, driving us into backruptcy and bringing us to the edge of another great depression and what do you get?

A black liberal from Harvard with a message of inclusiveness who doesn't care about staying in Iraq and who the world loves.

Bush was so bad that he ruined conservativism for the US.|||i think McCain has people working on stupid questions like this. By the way the whole question was posed, written, everything. the intelligent wont fall for that Obama/Biden|||NO AS A MATTER OF FACT




INSTEAD OF BACK TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AS AN INVESTMENT IN AMERICA'S FUTURE ?|||No. He is an example of what hard work (Harvard and Columbia) Can do. From the Southside to Harvard, thats impressive.|||Spread the wealth is what both parties do. However, based on your response I suppose you would rather a Mark Cuban or Bill Gates who do not need a break get one.

Under the tenets of the Republicans the only purpose of the next generation is to be mangled in wars so that the rich can get richer.

Obama believes in rewards for service... how many young people are involved in community service not enough.

He believes that our physical infrastructure needs to be rebuilt so that people can be put back to work. If you know some history you should know that most of the roads and bridges in this country were built under the new deal and are over 70+ years and given the growth in population and weight of SUV the engineering that was utilized is outdated.

I guess under your beliefs you are happy with unemployed , homeless people everywhere and they will be hungry . So , I guess you will be ok since you will have your guns to keep them at bay.

Great country !!!

All people should have minimal basic rights to work, healthcare and food.|||No. There are American values. I think you have selective hearing and are incredibly biased. What about our Constitution? What about government for the people and by the people? Government can work. It's about working for the common good. There should more than one definition of success. No one should be taking advantage of others to get ahead. Why aren't more white collar criminals arrested and thrown in jail? Who is getting the bail out? It's the criminals that brought Wall Street down. They are still rewarded.|||I wonder who taught you.... You seem to have very little reading comprehension skill, if you bothered to read what Obama has written.

The concepts you point out are not part of the plan at all.

At this juncture, shouldn't we speak about issues... such as McCain's attack on the only thing middle class workers have left: health benefits?

Shouldn't we ask why the wealthy need even more tax breaks? Shouldn't we ask WHY when corporations already get so many tax breaks, they really are not providing those jobs that are supposed to result from corporate welfare?

Those are pressing questions as the Bush tax cuts and Republican economic policies are threatening the American economic system...|||its either that or the rich get richer..while everyone else stays the same and if everyone stays the same so does the economy..trickle down dosent work|||honestly with all the talk of depressions and the economy completely flopping i would feel a little better if i had the goverment as the big fluffy cushion under me if i fall....the government got everyone in the mess so lets see if they can get us im not saying everyone should be on welfare but its about time we see some help from our tax dollars.|||No, he won't. Obama is a strong proponent of the welfare-to-work program. And what is wrong with government jobs? A lot of good work was done with WPA projects to help get us out of the last depression and it can work again.|||So what is the lesson of the Bush era? Government is only there to serve the wealthy. Government is there to spy on you. Government is there to TORTURE you. Government is there to lie to you.

If you are not rich and you vote republican, you are screwing yourself|||We all saw what 8 years of no regulation and less gov't did to our economy. Sit back and let the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

And it's not just Obama. Democrats all like gov't funded programs to help those in need. One question that is never answered is why are we invading other countries to "save them" and "help them"? We need the help. The Republicans have not only used "scare tactics" against the people, but have completely destroyed our country.

It's disgusting to see ExxonMobil employees make 6 figure salaries and a college student like myself can hardly afford to pay for school tuition or get health insurance because of the cost. This my friends is very sad. We live in the greatest country in the world, yet there is still poverity, and people in dying need for help. This does not make any sense. OBAMA 08!!!!|||What i think people are missing is that the middle and low class people actually work also and they work really hard. If you happen to have the opportunity and circumstances to have a high paying job then you can send your child to the best schools and have the best health insurance. BUT

what about those hard working people that have to settle for lower standards of health and education just because they can't afford it. We are not talking about buying people new cars and houses and clothes, we are talking about health and education! So while McCain is giving out vouchers to the people he deems fit, to go to these better schools. The public schools go down the drain and the teachers wont want to work there because they wont get paid what it's worth.

The government is supposed to provide these resources for the people who cannot afford them. This is why people say the republican party is just set for the richer to get richer and the poorer get poorer.

People think that all hard work will end them up in the same place but if that was the case that means every republican was top of their class right? Everybody circumstance is different and everybody needs some kind of help. Maybe your parents started off well off, but not everyone had that luck. Other people work just as hard as you do, but you will not understand until the shoe is on the other foot.|||isn't it crazy how Obama's name is in about 85% of all the questions in the politics sections on yahoo answers? That's crazy.

People must really be scared or happy or retarded or something. And, how come McCain is usually only brought up mostly in connection to Sarah Palin? Like Palin is running for president.

*and I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not going to answer your question (wink to the soccer moms out there). What i am gonna say is that global warming is not the solution to, and hither unto.

*(comments inspired by Sarah Palin)|||yes|||鈥?/a>|||Yeah, because making sure your country's people have jobs, healthcare, and fair wages is such a horrible thing. One thing you might be failing to realize, is that when the people of a country are doing better as a whole, things like crime rates drop dramatically, you don't see fat as$es walking around everywhere, people are happier, healthier, more productive people. You see WAY less poverty....which also cuts down on crime and health problems. Did I mention that health insurance rates drop when the general population is healthier too?

If you've ever traveled outside of the U.S., you'd see this in MANY countries.

You'd still have the option to send your kids to private school if you choose, but they'd have to go to their assigned school district otherwise for public how it used to be. It never was a problem before, and usually with this kind of thing, it can be decided at the state level as opposed to the national level. California is a prime example of this....and soon after other states followed.|||No. He is inspiring them to be responsible, vote and decide the course of their country's future. He is inspiring the people to demand accountability from their government, the government that runs on their taxes and is supposed to be for the benefit of the people. The people haven't seen accountability in 8 years of Bush. They are standing up and saying, "we expect a lot better from our leaders."

It's an odd question. If the government isn't supposed to work for the people, then why have one? We have a government to aid in the prosperity of the United States. We haven't seen it for several years, but I think things are finally going to get back on track. A government FOR the people, BY the people. Republicans forgot about us people.|||with the newest release of his 2001 audio, it would appear that a bigger government hand in everyone's life is what would be taught as the norm, with self-reliance taking a backseat to dependency.|||you betcha' ;-)|||of course that's the way don't work i will increase your welfare check as long as your like me lol|||I'm afraid so. At least that's his wish. The simple fact is, he wants all-powerful government, and he'll pull the strings.

That's NOT what's healthy for our country.|||Excellent points! Yes, Barry is feeding into the largest group of unregistered voters - African American, uneducated, young people. He figured out a while ago that if he inspired them, they'd get out and vote and he'd win. Because of the historical voting populace, he doesn't have a chance.

But he's only telling them what he thinks they want to hear. He won't do any of the good things that he's promised because there isn't any money for it.

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