Monday, January 23, 2012

Is Obama telling America if you want the public option you had better REALLY start fighting for it?

This could be the message as the administration hints that they might back away from it. Is Obama actually waiting to see if enough people will start arguing as aggressively for that option as people have argued against the public option the last few weeks ?

And if there aren't enough people willing to expend enough energy to make it happen does America actually deserve to get the public option in the first place ?

Who wants to win more, the reformers or the anti- reformers ?Is Obama telling America if you want the public option you had better REALLY start fighting for it?yes...kinda...almost.

It's a simple option for democrats right now...stay on defense or go on offense. Being on offense it always better.Is Obama telling America if you want the public option you had better REALLY start fighting for it?
Why fight for that plan?

Hell Obama cant even get his own party behind it.Is Obama telling America if you want the public option you had better REALLY start fighting for it?it seems like anti- reformers which Pharma companies will win.. I hope i m wrong..
I believe that you are partially correct. I also feel that it is an attempt to take the wind out of the sails of the opposition by suggesting that they may have won on a couple of points without promising any change at all.

Note that the point is that the public option isn't necessary, it doesn't say that he will support taking it out. That is a very different question.Is Obama telling America if you want the public option you had better REALLY start fighting for it?I think you're exactly right. People need to contact their representatives and get very vocal if they care.Is Obama telling America if you want the public option you had better REALLY start fighting for it?
No he has finally realized that since 54% are against doing anything he had better change his plans so he can claim victory by putting a fraction of what he said he would get done through.
I DO NOT want our Government and whomever they appoint for their so called health councils who will be making the shots on medical procedures, etc. There will be rationing, and we will have CRAP for healthcare, mark my words. They cannot run anything without it going totally bankrupt and costing us citizens WAY WAY MORE than was intended.

It IS a Power Grab................for 20% of our GDP. If THAT doesn't scare anyone here I don't know what would. It WILL be the end of OUR AMERICA, as we know it. The END of our freedoms and liberties as the Gov't GROWS and takes over everything that is vital to all of us. THIS IN AMERICA SHOULD NEVER BE.Is Obama telling America if you want the public option you had better REALLY start fighting for it?
I don't think all the people that showed up to vote for Obama know a thing about what is happening in this country.

They showed up to make history with their vote. Now that it is time to make the real change happen, they are not interested.

He was a slogan. We all said it, and now we are being proven right. American Idol president.

I don't really care about the health care debate. Our primary focus should be getting it done in Afghanistan or immediate withdrawell. Until we can end the warfare state we are screwed.

Now these folks want to blame him. It isn't his fault they aren't out there at those town hall meetings and in the streets. If people want something they have to go get it. You can't pin your hopes on one man be he the POTUS or not.
No Obama is telling Americans he's a corporate stooge.

Americans have been fighting for single payer even but Obama nor the rest of the corporate Democrats are listening.…

The people, though they will continue to fight, are not to blame here.

Anything to be able to continue to support the fraud in the White house I guess.

Full quote from Obama in 2003:

“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out. A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately. Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House.”

Obama speaking to the Illinois AFL-CIO, June 30, 2003…

But now he's selling this pro insurance company nonsense?;……

And even then backing down when the right wing fringe raises their voice, misguided old folks included or not?…

But now it's the people's fault, right? What a strong leader Obama is. Liberals must be really proud. Yes we can!
Change my ***, same old Washington B.S. with him.

Hillary is looking really good right now.

This is no longer health care reform, its insurance reform.The Public Option is, for better or worse, the closest thing we're going to get to the health care system we need to heal the bloated, petty excuse for health "care" in this country.
The answer is Yes... I wrote my Congressman and the White House yesterday... After what happend to me at United Airlines and those at Enron and now on Wall Street... you would think that Americans would get a clue and realize that health care that saves lives is no different than a police force that save lives, a fire department that saves lives and a Military that Saves lives. They are all institutions supported be the public that benefits all of us... It is ridiculous to assume that health care can not be non profit and must incorporate insurance and the Free Market.
I am fighting for it! The co op will NOT work! We all must fight the bellicose republicans at every issue they imagine. I am driven because health care IS a right and NOT a privilege, I just did a medical bankruptcy for $62k AND my high cholesterol is considered a pre-existing condition.
Barack Obama and his philosophies are clearly out of control and it is now obvious that the American taxpayer is waking up and becoming more vocal. This is perfect. Now is the time. We cannot wait - America is at a VERY important turning point. Do we go down the dull, gray, lifeless road Obama wants and sees or do we once again right this ship and let capitalism sail us into a future of competition and prosperity? It is up to us the taxpayers - the great people of this great nation.

I hate to say it but it appears as if it is - “Us vs. Them”. Nanvy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Arlen Spector, Henry Waxman, Barack Obama, Barbara Boxer and the hundreds of other pathetic minions who are touting Socialism, Marxism and a society that is even worse than those two put together. o_O
Yes, that's why Howard Dean is rallying folks to do the right thing: include public option.
No. One Term Barry is just reading the polls.

54% of VOTERS would rather have no health care reform at all than have Obamacare

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