Monday, January 23, 2012

How Obama won, if Scott Brown won in Mass and they said that it represented a major lost?

I dont understand politics, but as far as I know, it was difficult for Obama to pass his health reform without the republican support! Now, I see that it didnt go to the senate, that the house pass it and that it will fly? Please explain how a bill passes and becomes law?How Obama won, if Scott Brown won in Mass and they said that it represented a major lost?Well, they couldnt get it passed the legit way when Scott Brown was elected so they did it the sleazy way.

Both a house and senate bill were passed before scott brown was elected, and normally the bills would be merged and reconciled into one bill to be voted on again by both chambers (because they all have to vote on the same legislation for it to pass) but since it would not have passed again with scott brown, instead of doing a reconicliation bill, the house voted on the senate bill that had already been passed. The people put Scott Brown in to stop this, and Obama/Pelosi decided to ignore the people's wishes and find a sneaky sleazy way to pass it anywayHow Obama won, if Scott Brown won in Mass and they said that it represented a major lost?
The Republicans in the Senate will now do everything in their power to obstruct this bill from passing , and rightfully so ,this health bill stinks . It could be much better .How Obama won, if Scott Brown won in Mass and they said that it represented a major lost?He bribed every Democrat, or threatened them, so that everyone one of them but a few voted for it.How Obama won, if Scott Brown won in Mass and they said that it represented a major lost?
Above all else, you must remember that voting for either Democrats or Republicans is a vote to bankrupt yourself.

The only option for fiscally sane voters is to vote (liberal) Green, (moderate) Libertarian and (conservative) Constitution Party.

Otherwise, you're just flushing your future down the toilet.

It's well past time for ordinary Americans to take an active (5 hours a week) interest in politics.

Otherwise, the Democrats and Republicans will destroy what's left of America.How Obama won, if Scott Brown won in Mass and they said that it represented a major lost?The House was voting on a bill that the Senate had passed before Brown was elected.How Obama won, if Scott Brown won in Mass and they said that it represented a major lost?
The democrats changed the rules.

If you want a law. You must first use the peoples money and bribe to get the votes you need.

You can get any law you want passed Through Lobbying = bribery. The law is a definite if you have the cash. So is the Presidency.
All the hysteria over Scott Brown was just the news media selling controversy.

All it did was to affect how the Democrats went about approving the bill. The House and Senate BOTH passed health care legislation, but there were differences between the bills. When this happens, a joint House/Senate committee hammers out a compromise between the two bills and that compromise bill goes back to the House and Senate for a new vote.

Supposedly, Scott Brown was not going to vote for it, no matter what it said (So much for objectivism). With 41 votes in the Senate, the Republicans could have filibustered, or delayed and prevented the Bill from ever being voted on in the Senate (so much for their distain of parlimentary trickery).

However, the Senate rules say that if compromise bills only contain changes designed to affect the federal budget and not substantial changes in the actual law, then filibusters are not allowed. That means that the Democrats only need 50 votes to pass it (Plus the vote of the Vice President to break a tie).

The House and Senate committee worked with President Obama to come up with a compromise which 52 Democratic Senators said they would definitely vote for. THAT was the bill which was passed last night. It goes to the Senate for a quick vote and then the President signs it and it becomes law.

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