Monday, January 30, 2012

How do you think Obama will fair in a head to head debate vs McCain?

It seems like Obama has done a good job of skirting the issues ala Bill Clinton. Do you think that McCain will force Obama to take some stances? Please note: "A bipartisan solution to the problem" is not a stance.How do you think Obama will fair in a head to head debate vs McCain?The interviewer will ask Obama his name and McCain some physics problem. Obama has never won a debate on the issues, but the people voting for Obama don't care. How do you think Obama will fair in a head to head debate vs McCain?
He will get his hammer and sickle waving azz handed to him.How do you think Obama will fair in a head to head debate vs McCain?Depends on how well his teleprompter is working on those days.
Obama st-st-stutters and somehow gets around the questions that he is asked by giving an answer that is not exactly an answer to the question asked. I'm sure it will be the same as all his public speeches. It sounds good coming out, but did our questions really get answered?How do you think Obama will fair in a head to head debate vs McCain?He didn't do so good before at saddle mountain Hope they give him his teleprompter then it would be fair and he can't whin and complain latter How do you think Obama will fair in a head to head debate vs McCain?
He's gonna mop the floor with McCain. McCain is not a good orator in ANY respect. Obama has the edge in speaking.

Frankly McCain sounds like a senile man that needs to be in a retirement home. No offense, but this guy is going down in the debates. Cons that think he wont are only fooling themselves.
Probably not as well as he would like.How do you think Obama will fair in a head to head debate vs McCain?
what issues has he been skirting exactly? He has laid out a plan from day one. You would know that if you weren't too lazy to find out. Obama has been the only one talking about issues, while McCain and company talk about pigs with lipstick, and Obama wants to teach sex ed to fetuses before he personally aborts them, and other made up ridiculous lies. McCain will look like a fool in the debates. I'm actually hoping somebody asks a question to piss McCain off. I think it will be fun watching his head actually explode on national television. After the debates, Obama will have a 10 point lead.
I think the debate will show voters how unrealistic Obama is. He reminds me of someone running for class president who says things like "I will stop homework and make lunches longer" just to get elected, yet has no clue how to make these promises come to fruition.
Very well if he is aggressive. GWB will have the same perceived negative as Clinton did in 2000. The message he'll need to convey to the shortsighted voting mass public is "A vote for Mccain is a third term of Bush's" that will be easy for most to see.

Imagine this we had a budget surplus and now we are mortgaged to the teeth by China, high unemployment, financial bailouts - John Mccain tax policies were shot down by Alan Greenspan.
I think they will both do well in terms of composure. However, I don't think the American public will get any more information than they have today. Each one of them will give their "I will" statements but not be able to say How they are going to do it.
Obama has laid out his plan and issues clearly on his website and daily with the townhall meetings he holds. McCain on the other hand is being lambasted in the media for his campaign's lies and his seeming lack of a stance on real issues.

Obama seems to consider the question before answering. McCain seems to shoot off the cuff what he was told to say.

I'll take the thinker and Constitutional professor any day.

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