Monday, January 30, 2012

How can Republicans criticize Obama fornot ending the war in Afghanistan and not listening to the generals?

at the same time?

They seem to be saying Obama should ordered the removal more than 33,000 because it is time to end the war and Obama should have listened to the generals and not ordered removal so many troops.How can Republicans criticize Obama fornot ending the war in Afghanistan and not listening to the generals?That's easy: because they criticize him no matter what he does, no matter how inconsistent their own opinions are. They even attacked him for getting bin Laden.

If he wears a red tie, they will say he should wear a green tie. If he's left handed, they will say he should be right handed. If he eats a hamburger, they will say he should have had a hot dog.

Rep Kaine said it best: Republicans' ONLY goal is to defeat Obama. They are crazy with rage, and almost delusional as a result.How can Republicans criticize Obama fornot ending the war in Afghanistan and not listening to the generals?
If obama had followed the advice of the generals two years ago, we would have been victorious in Afghanistan. Instead we had a meaningless, halfhearted surge that has accomplished very little, and it will be completely undone as soon as the US draws down the 33K troops. So, in addition to being a moron on the economy, obama is also a moron on military strategy. At least he is consistent.How can Republicans criticize Obama fornot ending the war in Afghanistan and not listening to the generals?NEWSFLASH:

Republicans aren't all on the same page on this one. (The best contrast would be John McCain and Ron wants it over, the other never wants it to end).

There is a growing faction that doesn't think the U.S. should be in Afghanistan at all for any period of time moving forward.

The vote today on whether or not to defund the LIbya mission will be FASCINATING. If it passes, Obama is going to have serious politically related Afghanistan problems in 2012 cuz Afghanistan costs more for 1 week than Libya costs for 6 months (not to mention those in uniform are actually still dying in Afghanistan).
easy the mission was to what? Kill or capture 0sama Bin Laden, not to rebuild a nation. Not to bomb 5 other countries, and refuse to consult congress. Not to restrict our troops so badly as to increase causalities by political rules. In my opinion and I don't care if its a Republican or a Democrat, war should be swift , hard and final. NO nation building and no holds barred, no prolonged occupationHow can Republicans criticize Obama fornot ending the war in Afghanistan and not listening to the generals?I never said anything about ending the war in Afghanistan. But considering neither Obama, or any of his advisers have a lick of military experience, It seems the responsible thing to do is listen to those who do. But when has Obama or his advisers been concerned about anything except campaigning?How can Republicans criticize Obama fornot ending the war in Afghanistan and not listening to the generals?
Obama doesn't know how to fight a war. He is simply using the drawdown as a means to get votes, not for any specific timeline or strategy. When the 33,000 troops are removed, there will be more Taliban to replace them. You can be assured of that.
If Obama said the sky was blue.. the ridiculously reactionary GOP / T-party would filibuster and say the sky was red.How can Republicans criticize Obama fornot ending the war in Afghanistan and not listening to the generals?
Because the Republican Game Plan is to criticize him. Period. Forever. For anything. Ad nauseum.
In it to win it, or not in it.

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