Monday, January 30, 2012

How do you get voters to realize that Obama is corrupt and to vote more responsibly?

With his relationships with Rev. Wright, ACORN, and Bill Ayers, how can this be ignored. This is the short list, there is much more.

How can it be ignored that the Woods Fund sent a grant check in the amount of $6000 in the name of Barack Obama to Rev. Wright's Trinity Church?|||My parents once voted for a charismactic young lawyer who was seen as the new messiah and savior of their country. They also were warned of his ties with unsavory characters and terrorists, but like many today, also chose to ignore and write off the warnings as extremist exaggerations. This was 49 years ago and the name of the charismactic young lawyer..............FIDEL CASTRO! PLEASE, PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!|||Q: How do you get voters to realize that Obama is corrupt and to vote more responsibly?

A: Barack Obama is far from perfect, but corrupt isn't one of his character traits. Then again John McCain and Sarah Palin are poster children of the Republican Culture of Corruption.

Q: With his relationships with Rev. Wright, ACORN, and Bill Ayers, how can this be ignored (This is the short list, there is much more)?

A: In 20 years as a minister the McCain Campaign was able to find one (1) sermon where Reverend Wright denounced America for its racist ways. Likewise ACORN has had a handful of bogus voter registrations by poor people paid by the number of registrations they make out of 1.3 million registrations. Lastly Bill Ayers paid his debt to society and was voted best man in Chicago one year. Does that sound like a radical to you? The above allegations are half truths and innuendos.

Q: How can it be ignored that the Woods Fund sent a grant check in the amount of $6000 in the name of Barack Obama to Rev. Wright's Trinity Church?

A: What's the big deal? Who is the Woods Fund and why should Americans care?|||Obama supporters really don't care to look into real issues. They do not care about character. They do not care that their candidate has recently associated with a known terrorist, a radical anti-white "pastor", gotten illegal campaign contributions, etc. (He did not associate with them when he was 8 years old, he associated when he was all gorwn up, even within the past year. They care only about getting dead people to vote for him, to cheat, lie and steal. If they really cared, they would be outraged and stop supporting him. |||Here we go again, first Sen. Obama was only 8 years old when the convicted terrorist, Bill Ayers launch Obama's political career in his living room, Sen. Obama was only 8 years old when he did the legal work and organized Acorn, Sen. Obama was only eight years old when he was at Rev. Wright's church, Sen. Osmaa was only 8 years old when got millions approved for convicted creep, slum lord, who didn't even finish the low housing stuff for the poor people, sen. Obmam was only 8 years old......

By the way of the know $250,000 that Rezko gave Sen. Obmaa, Obama has given about $160,000 of that to charity.

You also have to admit for only being 8, he really did a good job with ACORN as they are being indicted all over the place. i have also konw a "Jive Turkey" and "Mary Poppins". take care.|||not to be rude (well, maybe), but please look at all the sides before asking a stupid question such as this one.

this stuff has all been re-hashed almost at the beginning of the campaign and barack obama has expressed his opinions on all the matters you have stated A LONG TIME AGO. this bill ayers stuff is BS and if it was such an important issue for the mccain campaign, why didn't they bring it up months and months ago? ohh right, because they are losing in the polls right now and they want to avoid talking about the horrible economy situation, so they are providing a distraction. obama was 8 years old when ayers committed those acts and obama has since called those acts deplorable. he also does not associate with his reverend anymore.

mccain/palin do not want to go down that dangerous path of guilt-by-association because they have associations deemed untrustworthy as well.

get your information straight before you're brainwashed.|||There has never been any CREDIBLE link between Obama and Bill Ayers. Where were all these angry ppl back in Chicago? How would you explain the fact that NO ONE ELSE on the board thought having Bill Ayers there was a problem, including the Republicans.

ACORN: Yep, mostly Dems. Yep, guilty of fraud. They're not the first group to have gone through this. Sorry, but when you give ppl forms and tell 'em "Go sign up voters" it can go awry.

Rev. Wright did say some douchy things, but it has never been proven that Sen. Obama even heard them until they were on the news. The man IS wild, but 20+ years of preaching can't be concentrated into little 30-second clips. I just had this exact same argument with my father, a man that holds damn near my polar opposite beliefs, a man that I've known for 24 years.

How can it be ignored that John McCain is an admitted cheater? How can it be ignored that he left his 1st wife while she was laid up in a hospital bed for a woman who was both 20 years his junior and much wealthier than he? How can it be ignored that he attended a fundraiser dinner for a woman who attempted to kill an abotion doctor, a woman whom her judge described as "a terrorist"?||| There are three sides of government, the moral side which doesn't abuse there power and are for the country, the immoral side that our in it for recognition, manipulation, greed and self interest, unknown side..they don't know what to believe. The problems arose from the immoral side and partial unknown side of the government, If you want to find the immoral side look for the ones pointing fingers and follow the money.

Also his relationships haven't been ignored. It has cost him. He is spending almost thre times the amount that of mccain and is only ahead with a 6-8 point lead. If memory serves correct Kerry lost to bush with a 12 point lead. The liberal masses behind him are shaking becaue they know they need a 20 point lead in polls minimum to win. So watch for the ad hominem attacks, the fingers being pointed, the lack of accountability and definetely keep an eye on the money.

Remember, Mccain has promised he will make these people famous..Those who are dishonest,greedy and corrupt. They are scrambling like mad to cover all bases to cover there own. |||Keating 5. Sending American Jobs to foreign manufacturers of troop transport planes too big to fit American Air Base runways. Failure to release medical records in an open manner to give voters like me assurance my President has the capacity to perform as Commander in Chief. This is my short list.

Is McCain a war hero? Sure. I would gladly buy him a cup of coffee if he was hanging out at McD's on Tuesday morning when the vets in my town gather. Is Sarah Palin charming and folksy? Sure. I would buy tupperware from her anytime. I am not paying for another 8 years of Corporate welfare to their buddies however.

Upper level management of American financial service sector companies behave like Bourgeoisie at the court of the last Dauphin and blame working class people for falling for usurious home loan practices. A man who's political ties are to groups trying to level the playing field and has the puppet masters of the greed is good financial ethos scared. Let the mud fly.

Voting for McCain is voting for a Munchhausen's by Proxy fiscal policy where the perpetrators are expecting a pat on the back for working so hard to fix the mess they caused.

For your consideration:


To CSF, view Barak's Birth Certificate here:鈥?/a>|||Corrupt? You're kidding right. After the second debate which McCain lost, his ads have been filled with nothing but attacks on Obama to induce fear on his sheep and undecided voters, who are dumb enough to actually believe him in that Obama is a muslim terrorist.

Corrupt? Show me how McCain ISN'T corrupt. He's the worst! Dirty! Despicable! I have no respect for him after this campaign!|||big problem here, you'll never hear the truth or hardy any mention of all the above on any of the in the tank for obama tv news media except on fox news. and liberal democrats don't watch fox, they love cnn, the obama propaganda network. obama is a very dangerous individual, he cannot be trusted, he is not as he appears.|||Bumper stickers are something you can do. Like "Nobama for president" "Obamanation" "(in small type) anybody but (in large type) Obama for President".

That guy's a clown in a business suit. Liberals either don't realize it, or they like pompous pigs.|||Obama is not going to be able to back out of these associations. Most of the people who will vote for him will do it because they LIKE him They probably can not tell you about any of the issues. It is going to get real interesting this next three weeks.

McCain/Palin 08 COUNTRY FIRST|||Let's run down the list of McCain 'acquaintances' and 'pals'.

John McCain:

Keating 5/Charles Keating

Rick Davis

Larry Pratt

G. Gordon Liddy

Rod Parsley

John Hagee

Oregon Citizens Alliance

Marylin Shannon

US Council for World Freedom

Sarah Palin:

Alaska Independence Party

Joe Vogler

'Trooper-Gate'|||I don't feel that Obama is corrupt,if he is so is Mccane. And there is no way any one can change another's vote.It's their right to vote for who they feel is right for the job.|||You can help spread things like this around.鈥?/a>|||Certainly you arn't serious?

What about Charles Keating and the Keating 5?

Just stop this nonsense and talk about real issues|||Because Obama is not corrupt, and McCain is a neo-con.|||The truth is McCain wears Depends and still smells like ****, and Palin thinks farts are funny. Obama gets my vote so deal with it you Bible Thumpers!!!|||I would think stopping the smears and having a decent conversation on the issues.|||mcian isnt any better

bush is worse

wats wrose -2 or -4

its not like any fo them r perfect but obama is btter|||The Kool-aid cannot be un-drank.|||McCain and Palin are doing all they can, and that is delivering the truth.

|||Get them all together at McCain rallys, and start shouting racial slurs, and things like, "Kill Him!" and "Off with his head!" ----wouldn't that be what the responsible people would do?|||$6000 is nothing. |||say what you want obama will be president|||McBush is no better.|||let me know when you get the answer to that one...

McCain/Palin '08!|||TOAST!|||dunno.

but if he's our new president our country will become an "Obamanation"

lol ...get it? like abomination. i crack my self up.|||Personally I do not think that Obama is corrupt any more than any other politician or govt. official. The campaign process is about wooing the voters into believing that they will be the one to "make a difference." Yes, there are things in Obama's past that are questionable, as is in McCain's, but there is no need to say that Obama is corrupt. I think that if Obama wasn't an African-American, there would be more voters leaning towards him instead of McCain. But America is afraid of change. A black president is scary to Americans. But the things Obama says hit home. McCain is "lost" and I don't need someone who doesn't want to talk about the economy. And I don't need a leader to SCARE people into voting for him! Bush scared us into going into Iraq. If he has to scare you into voting for him...there's no telling what he will scare us into as President. And with a husband in the military. who has served 3 yrs in Iraq, I don't want a stuck in the past POW policing the world with our soldiers.

And as for Palin...everyone jumped on Michelle Obama because she is proud for the first time, but no one is jumping on Palin when her husband is pushing for Alaskan Independence or whatever. HE DOESNT WANT HIS STATE TO BE PART OF THE US!!!!! And she is trying so hard to be an ordinary mom, when leaders of nations aren't hockey moms and joe six-pack. We need leaders to turn our country around! In my opinion, all politicians lie, cheat, and do dispicable things. Let the people vote for whichever candidate they like. Don't judge the candidates until they have won the election and then judge their performance. Because honestly that is the only way we will know if they are truly the right one for the job. Actions speak louder than words and all we have right now are words. If McCain is the one you feel comfortable voting for, go for it, and likewise for Obama. Everyone rooted for Bush 2 times but his actions show his TRUE ratings. People just give both candidates a chance and whoever wins, wins. Then let us judge by what they do.

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