For the first time in Israel's existence, we have a president who is determinedly working against Israel and our indispensible alliance. Barack Obama has pressured Israel to surrender to the demands of her enemies (and ours), and turns a blind eye toward the real threat of Iranian nukes. He has shown bald-faced contempt for Israel's democratically elected prime minister, while bowing and scraping to her thuggish enemies. Who side is Obama on, ours or the enemies?What is up with Obama is he still bowing to our enemies?One term Obama, and he will be a bad memory.What is up with Obama is he still bowing to our enemies?
His name is Barack Hussein Obama, who the hells side do you think he is on.What is up with Obama is he still bowing to our enemies?Yes, and if he's not bowing, he's agreeing with them when they slam the US. So Obama can go straight to hell as far as I'm concerned. The only apology this country needs to make, is that it elected such a failure as him.
It doesn't matter what the President does, when the rest of the Nation gives an enemy what they want, our freedom.What is up with Obama is he still bowing to our enemies?Because he sucks, isn't it very obvious? I don't like him but a lot of people do like Americans and Canadians, etc. I guess he's double-sided? I don't know, but that's what I think. Sometimes he's really good to the United States and other times, well, stuff like this happens,What is up with Obama is he still bowing to our enemies?
He has shown contempt for America too.
Obama was brain washed by Islam while he was going to school in Indonesia. He is prejudiced against Israel.
It is an awesome thing, thrawt with peril, to set oneself up against God's chosen people.What is up with Obama is he still bowing to our enemies?
I wish they would tell Obama KMA and go take out Irans nukes
As much as he can... "obower" is a fool!
Monday he will shirk his responsibility as Commander and Chief of our Armed Forces by not attending services at Arlington Cemetery. There is nothing American about the usurper squatting in our White House.
Obama isn't working against Israel he is just working with everyone else. He is talking a big talk with his nuclear disarmament and nearly everyone in the middle east does not like Israel (who has nukes). If Obama really wants this idea to work he has to prove to everyone that he is "tough" enough to ask Israel to disarm. If Israel complies then Iran might see that it is a equal playing field in the Middle east and then comply to their nuclear disarmament. Also the US wants to strengthen ties with other areas like Pakistan and the like so in the big picture this could be a good move but it is risking a lot.
Because Obama is not an American , Obama is the enemy !
May 29, 2008
Obama's Ties To ACORN More Substantial than first believed Rick Moran
You've heard of and Code Pink - two radical leftist groups seeking to elect out and out socialists to public office and who are fierce opponents of the capitalist sysetm.
But have you heard of ACORN?
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now is mostly a city-based group that you may know from their illegal voter registration efforts in several states during the 2004 election.
But this group also is involved in schemes to impose drastic, left wing dogma on the rest of us through political action.
Obama's connection to this group has been shadowy - some work he did back in 1995 representing an effort by the group to get the courts to force Illinois to adopt the motor voter law. But Stanley Kurtz has uncovered even more ties that Obama has to this radical group:
The extent of Obama's ties to Acorn has not been recognized. We find some important details in an article in the journal Social Policy entitled, "Case Study: Chicago - The Barack Obama Campaign," by Toni Foulkes, a Chicago Acorn leader and a member of Acorn's National Association Board. The odd thing about this article is that Foulkes is forced to protect the technically "non-partisan" status of Acorn's get-out-the-vote campaigns, even as he does everything in his power to give Acorn credit for helping its favorite son win the critical 2004 primary that secured Obama the Democratic nomination to the U.S. Senate.
Before giving us a tour of Acorn's pro-Obama but somehow "non-partisan" election activities, Foulks treats us to a brief history of Obama's ties to Acorn. While most press accounts imply that Obama just happened to be at the sort of public-interest law firm that would take Acorn's "motor voter" case, Foulkes claims that Acorn specifically sought out Obama's representation in the motor voter case, remembering Obama from the days when he worked with Talbot. And while many reports speak of Obama's post-law school role organizing "Project VOTE" in 1992, Foulkes makes it clear that this project was undertaken in direct partnership with Acorn. Foulkes then stresses Obama's yearly service as a key figure in Acorn's leadership-training seminars.
At least a few news reports have briefly mentioned Obama's role in training Acorn's leaders, but none that I know of have said what Foulkes reports next: that Obama's long service with Acorn led many members to serve as the volunteer shock troops of Obama's early political campaigns - his initial 1996 State Senate campaign, and his failed bid for Congress in 2000 (Foulkes confuses the dates of these two campaigns.) With Obama having personally helped train a new cadre of Chicago Acorn leaders, by the time of Obama's 2004 U.S. Senate campaign, Obama and Acorn were "old friends," says Foulkes.
Not surprisingly it turns out that Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger - two radical clergy closely associated with Obama - have extensive ties to ACORN . Their views fit nicely within the ACORN anti-capitalist agenda that they have been pushing for years.
The more I read the more I come to see most people are stupid ***holes. Have you ever thought that maybe if we show some diplomacy to people who don't like us they might STOP hating us?? The olny person "bowing down" is you. To your Gods: Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. But, oh wait, I forgot that Sarah is qualified because she knows how to shoot and talk all folksy like. GET A BRAIN.
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